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As soon as Cleo left the trailer, Joe was at a loss of what to do next. He had achieved something he didn't want to achieve in annoying Cleo and wanted to make it right again. He didn't understand where she got the thought of her scars being ugly from, maybe it was from her ex. He didn't know for sure. What he was sure of, was how Cleo could not be ugly at any point of her day, not even a little bit. With or without make-up, whilst she was performing or just behind the bar serving, whilst she was sitting chatting to her sister, even when she was bloody crying she was the most beautiful woman Joe had ever laid his eyes on. He didn't like seeing her cry but she was still beautiful whilst doing it.

Whether it was her ex or not that made her as self-conscious as she is now, Joe was going to make sure at every chance he got he was going to tell Cleo the truth, the truth being that she was beautiful in every way, shape and form. He vowed to get to know why she was so self-conscious so he could set it right, let her see what he saw. And if that never happened, he would assure her everyday that he had with her how beautiful, kind, funny and sweet she was. Because it would be the truth.

Meanwhile in the costume trailer, Cleo was trying on different outfits to see which one she preferred. She had pushed what happened between Joe to the back of her mind so she could at least try and enjoy today.

"What do you think?" Cleo stepped out of the certain, giving a twirl as she showed off her striped top and high waisted baggy jeans, put together with a black belt around her waist and some white trainers on her feet.

"Wow." Lucy praised in awe. Cleo had asked Lucy to accompany here in costume and in hair and make-up so she could get another woman's opinion of what she looked like. Archer and San had been taken by Ben and Gwil to the men's costume trailer, getting men's opinions on men things.

"I love the top." Cleo said, rubbing her hands down the striped top as she admired it.

"I love everything. It's a yes from me." Lucy smiled from her seat, giving two thumbs up at Cleo.

"I will have to tighten the shoulders and around the waist of the shirt back just a teeny bit but I can do that whilst you go for hair and make-up." Julian, the costume designer piped up from behind Cleo. "Am I alright to pin it back for now as we stand here?"

"Go for it." Cleo smiled over her shoulder at the man, letting him pin whatever he needed back.

"Are you sure you can't act, Cleo?" Lucy asked, standing up from her seat to walk over to Cleo. Cleo smiled and shook her head.

"Not for the life of me. Besides, what would I do on this movie? All the parts are taken right?"

"Well yeah but, I could so picture you as Veronica."

"Who's that?" Cleo asked, trying her best not to move so the pins in her top wouldn't stab her.

"Deaky's wife. I thought you knew that." Cleo sighed and rubbed her hand over her face. Of course Lucy wanted her to play Deaky's wife, it was a quick way of getting Jocle to spend time together, and as a married couple. Lucy just wanted to see Cleo and Joe act like they were married. "What? I just want my friends to get together. Is that so hard to do?"

"Can we keep all Joe talk to a minimum please?" Cleo didn't realise how frustrated she sounded when she asked that, as everything from before came back to her. This made Lucy drop her smile and become concerned.

"Has something happened between you two?"


"Then why no Joe talk? Did he say something that annoyed you or-"

BORN TO LOVE YOU ━ Joe MazzelloWhere stories live. Discover now