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A.N. Long chapters ftw. I love writing Jocle. Sue me.

Joe in a leather jacket get's me going...

Sorry if it skips around a bit in this chapter. I'm trying to fit a week of stuff into one chapter so I can move the story on more.


A week later and the day had finally arrived that Cleo was to go on Joe's London sightseeing trip that he had promised to go on to make up for missing most of their first few months as a couple

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A week later and the day had finally arrived that Cleo was to go on Joe's London sightseeing trip that he had promised to go on to make up for missing most of their first few months as a couple. They had opted to stay in a hotel on the other side of London to where the pub stood, wanting to lower the chance of bumping into anyone if they were out in London.

"So what are you planning to do out in the wild?" Kath asked Cleo. The friends were in Cleo's bedroom, sorting out clothes that Cleo could take with her for this week 'away' with Joe. Cleo never saw herself as a fashionista so always asked either her sister or Kath to help pick out outfits for herself whenever they went on a girls night out or even the odd date. She may have also needed help picking out matching bras and pants to wear because she knew Joe would be seeing them at some point. A week alone with a hotel room on standby would most definitely temp them more than once.

"He wants to see Buckingham Palace, go on the London Eye, basic tourist stuff." Cleo answered, folding up a silk blouse and putting in her medium sized suitcase that was on top of her bed, open with a few pieces of clothing already in it.

"I think your new job as a tour guide suits you well, my friend." Kath joked, making Cleo smile lightly. "I bet you're excited to get this time with him. I'm excited for you."

"Oh I'm excited all right. I have no idea what it's going to be like when the movie comes out and the press tour starts, so I wanna take all the time I can get with him."

"And not only are you doing this but you get to go to fucking New York. Charlie won't say it but she's totes jealous. So am I to be honest."

"Well, if I get any royalties from the song I recorded, we could all go on like a group trip to New York." She suggested, folding up a dress and putting it in her suitcase.

"Now there's an idea. But your parents would never let us. We all work in the same place." She pointed down to the floor, meaning the pub below. "They'd have to either close the pub completely or hire new people." She listed, counting the option on her fingers. "Both sound like too much to worry about."

"That is sadly true. Do you know that I'm actually quite worried about going to New York?" Cleo asked, putting a pair of sketchers trainers into the side of her suitcase. Going on a tourist like trip would mean lots of walking for Cleo and Joe, so Cleo wanted to be certain her feet wouldn't hurt after walking for a while.

"Why? You're not going alone. Joe will be there."

Cleo then sighed and slumped onto the edge of the bed, a folded skirt in her arms.

BORN TO LOVE YOU ━ Joe MazzelloWhere stories live. Discover now