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A.N. I'm sorry it's taken a while to update. My inspo has not been up to par recently and I've got no clue why so I'm going to warn you updates will be quite slow and might even be a bit off compared to the earlier updates. I'm trying, I really am.


It was early Monday morning on the 19th February and London was both wet and windy, with the clouds not giving the sky an inch of breathing room. It was what you'd call a 'gloomy day'.

The rain was light against Cleo's bedroom window as she slept. It was light but annoying enough for anyone wanting to leave the house today to rethink their plans. Luckily for Cleo she didn't have to venture outside at all today because she was working a shift, a full one at that. She did originally have the day off but wanted to swap with Archer because he and Kathrine were moving into their new apartment today. So being the good friend she was, Cleo thought to give him the whole day to help his girlfriend sort their stuff out and get settled. Although, it did leave her a bit bummed out that she chose today to do it, seen as today was her birthday.

Yep, today was Cleo's 29th birthday and for the first time in a few years, she was actually feeling good about it.

Before she met Joe and the guys, she had pre-planned to do nothing but watch a movie with Avery cuddled next to her today, wanting nothing more than to be left alone to wallow in her own pity. Now she had Joe and the others, that plan went out the window pretty quickly. This year, she thought different about it all. She had new friends that she liked very much and a boyfriend who truly loved and cared for her. She felt like a brighter person than last year and couldn't wait to get stuck into the day.

When the clock struck bang on 7am, Cleo's usual alarm on her phone sounded, signalling the start of her day and her birthday. She groaned as she started to come to life, her arm reaching over so she could slide the alarm off, stopping the annoying noise that ruined the great dream she was having.

After a second or two, she rubbed her eyes, getting rid of the sleep within them and then turned herself on her back. She sighed and stretched out her arms and legs, even going as far as to stretch her fingers and toes out like Avery would when he was stretching. She then stretched her arm again and gathered her phone from the side, taking out the charger cord and using her thumb to unlock it. She couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face when she saw she already had messages and Facebook posts from the people that really mattered, all wishing her happy birthday. She was about to scroll through the messages when another came in, her phone chiming to tell her she had received one. She smiled wider when she read who had sent her a message. She cuddled into her duvet as she began reading, the person and the words he used made her melt with love.

Direct Messages between
Dino Man🦖 and Cake Fiend🍰

Dino Man🦖
I remember you mentioning you had a full shift today so hopefully you get this as you wake up. You're a beautiful, strong and capable of domination woman and I for one am very thankful you got born 29 years ago. I'll leave the soppyness till I see you later but for now, Happy Birthday Bub! I love you xx

Cake Fiend🍰
Thank you Joey, you're so cute. Do you happen to know when you're dropping in? You said you were going to. xx

Dino Man🦖
Whenever your lunch is. When's your lunch? xx

Cake Fiend🍰
1. xx

BORN TO LOVE YOU ━ Joe MazzelloWhere stories live. Discover now