Chapter 11: Clemente's Demise

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Chapter 11

Clemente’s Demise 

9Clemente was the ruler of the NBI, the force that maintained and defended the people against the vicious monsters that roams the land. 29Before the time of the great war that started the founding of the great empires and kingdoms, he ruled over the Northern Lands with the undying faith of its few people.

1-2-14-15-21Never doubting his ability, said to have been a gift from the Ancient Terrans, he vanquished the monsters swift and easy. 20He dominated them, inspiring the followers that made up the core of the first organization created to be the protector of the land.

11The NBI was their wall, the people’s arm against the ravaging threat monsters.

8But then came the rumors that sprouted on his back. The mindless drones. They distributed the false news that jested his rule. 2His very kind heart, quipped.

11-16Rumors of his greed for power, his endless pursuit for immortality, his experiments on monster descents, his said forced taking of a woman with matchless beauty… 4rumors of sorts even sprouted about his struggle with one certain village. 

1-11-14None of it has ever been proven true and so came his life’s end, with the tears and fears of the people he left…

As Siva read through the preface, his mind worked of a few circumstances that there might be some grounds about the rumors of a treasure map. But then, the reviews were right, there is no treasure map in the novel Clemente‘s Demise.

The novel talked about the life history and finally the death of Clemente Celestine, the greatest leader of NBI.

Its only purpose was to kill monsters, protect its people, and until its disbandment in the 300th year since its foundation, it never once deviated on its only goal.

Records in the Book of Legends about its long reign as the protector of the people before the founding of the Empire of Tiara, now the North Dominion, occupying most of the Northern Continent, was present on every paper. In the North, the name Clemente Celestine was the symbol of power that even the current emperor, Seth Guidonia Celestine XXXIX, had always bragged.

At this, as Siva pushed on in his curiosity about this person’s history, he landed on a conclusion that this Clemente Celestine was a clean man with a lot of very bad rumors.

As he was reading the article about Clemente; [The rumored people involved with him], Siva had noted a few names that was said to have been involved about his rumors.

Stan, the Founder of the NBI. He vanished during a mission along with his 12 closest subordinates and was believed to have died. But rumors of his ghost returning came and it affected Clemente’s reign and his health.

Vista, a man shrouded in mystery. Though this man was identified as a farmer and commoner from some far off village, his real connection to Clemente is unknown.

Monet, the rumored woman with a matchless beauty.

She was said to be the reason why the great leader of the NBI had rumored to pursue immortality. None of it was ever proven and all these people, including Monet, do not have any part in the making of the History of Terroa as it is now. In short, these people are just some product of the fables fabricated by old people from the stories they once heard from their ancestors.

As he had been reading and investigating all these time, Siva did not realize that he had piled on books, data windows, and reading materials one after another, stacked side by side on his table.

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