Author's Notes for Siva and The Legend Of The Destroyer

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My name is John Ethan Reddcliffe (JE_Reddcliffe).

You've just read "Siva: The Legend of The Destroyer", my newest creation. Apparently, it's going to be a looooooooooooooooong series, just like Harry Potter (one of my, ehem, inspiration).

Well, where did I get the idea for this?

Let's see, I was highschool when I first...>>>>FAST FORWARD>>>>> so that's it, I got the idea from that anime I once saw in Animax...>>>>> .hack/twilight >>>>>> and there you have it.


Did you like Siva?

I hope you did because I really spent passionate time and dedication on making this story as enticing and as yummy as possible, based, of course, in your reading senses.

Did I just used that again? Yeah I did.

Reading Senses.

It's because most users in Wattpad really crave for that awesome story backed with awesome narration and story telling. I myself is not an expert but I consider myself in the apprentice level.

"Please guide me, oh esteemed sensei."

I really need your comment and reactions with this work.

Okay, let me explain one important fact.

"Planet Salvation" series and the "Siva" series are two different stories, happening around two diferent worlds. Yes, they do have a lot in common that can be pointed on the world their ehem, plot, are taking place, Planet Terroa. But please, bare with me, that's as far as their similarities go.

As some of you may have been guessing, (a big) YES, I first created Siva's storyline looooooooooooooooong before I actually thought of the Planet Salvation Series.

I think their gap is two years....or less (?)

Alright, with that out of the way, please do support me as I continue with this work. For those who love to see some action-packed fighting scenes, drama, comedy, love, jealousy, GORE (Yes!), dragons, vacation spots, panties (I'm planning to put that in, you're welcome), hunks (you're also welcome), and of course, the romance of two different people living in three different worlds (duh, isn't it obvious already?), this is the story that will take you in PLACES! You hear me?

And as my saying goes, be prepared to dream of adventures in Planet Terroa, somewhere in the galaxy far, far away.

Thank you guys for reading!

                                                                                     —John Ethan Reddcliffe

one cappuccino please.....thank you.

Siva (Volume 1) The Legend Of The DestroyerWhere stories live. Discover now