oneshot #2 warning: gore

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Yorey was grumpy today. He was usually so devious, and mischievous, but never outwardly angry at people like he was today. It had been about a week since Yorey, Gorey and Vorey had seperated, and Corey assumed he was grumpy because he was hungry. Whenever he wanted to visit Corey it was usually to tease him or beat him up, which Corey actually didn't mind.

It was after dinner and Yorey hadn't eaten anything at dinnertime, even though Corey made his favorite meal especially for him. Vorey and Gorey ate two trays of peach cobbler each, since their apetites were so big, leaving two peach cobblers uneaten. Corey wondered why, since Yorey seemed deathly hungry. He later found out why.

Yorey was backing him into the corner. "Hey slut, what's up?" Yorey curled his tail and put his hands on his hips sassily. "I'm hungry."

"Uhh, i made a lot of peach cobbler, it's chilling in the fridge if you wanna heat it up." Corey said, smiling. "I made it just for you, with a secret ingredient, your favorite!"

"I don't want your fucking peach cobbler." He said bitterly. "I'm not insulting your cooking, cause that peach cobbler is damn good when im hungry for it."

"Then, what do you want??" Corey said gingerly. "What are you hungry for, i'll make it just for you."

Yorey backed him further into the corner, and let a hand explore his boyfriend's chest. He seemed to be eyeing him up and down, and licked his lips. "I'm bloodthirsty. I want blood and guts. YOUR blood and guts."

Corey laughed nervously. "Y-you... uhh... you want m-my blood. My g-guts?" He said, pushing down the wave of rising arousal in his stomach.

"Yup. I plan on tearing you open, fucking your guts senseless, cumming all over your face and then shoving your entrails down my throat." He said, plainly, teasingly as if he was saying any other sentence. "I know you'd enjoy it."

"G-guh, Golly.... To b-be perfectly honest.. yeah, that sounds p-pretty n-nice." Corey said, his face flushing and his knees almost buckling from nervous arousal. "I-Im all yours, big g-" before Corey could finish his sentence, he was scooped up into Yorey's arms, lifted up into the air, and slammed down on the hard tile floor, his outer surface bruising awfully. "AAAhhhaAHHAH-" Corey yelped, his outer layer not even close to breaking open.

"Wow, you're skin is tougher than i expected it to be." Yorey said, clear as crystal. "I guess i'll have to try a little harder."

Yorey took both of his arms on either side and tugged at them with immense strength, the left arm ripping off and starting to squirt blood. Corey gave a shuddery, broken cry and panted deeply.

"That didn't work... I guess i'll have to use my teeth, then." Yorey said. "You're a tough slut to crack, you know that, right?" Corey responded with a soft "haaah," and squirmed and twitched.

Yorey scooped half of him up into his immense jaws and bit down, hard, breaking his skin and deep down into his flesh, and pulled, making a crack in his bottom half large enough for the guts to start to leak out, and Yorey took him out of his mouth and sat him down on the pleasantly cool tile floor where his guts started spilling down his thighs and thick, soupy blood and fluids dripping down his calves as Corey moaned uncontrollably at the waves of arousal and pleasure that came with the torture. "There, thats a good boy." Yorey said. "Now comes the fun part." Yorey's member was now fully erect at the sight of his partner's intestines, and he slid his dick sandwiched in-between the fleshy, dripping tubes of his entrails and began to thrust mecilessly into him over and over and over, smiling as he heard Corey's unfiltered, uncontrollable moans and praise of his pred. He really wasn't holding back with the shit he called out into the house, and he knew that the rest of the 'oreys could probably hear him, and they were probably rolling their eyes like "those fuckers are gonna leave a stain on the carpet" or "how dreadful, i hope they don't make a habit of this..". Yorey gave a dominating growl and fucked harder the louder his prey got, and eventually pulled out without cumming, leaving Corey dizzy and his guts spilled. Yorey began to masturbate, stroking his member, now lubricated with hot, sticky blood and fluid, and began to drool and mumble little curses. His orgasm built up slowly, and it was about 15 minutes of Corey moaning and panting and begging to be touched again as Yorey stimulated himself before he came all over Corey's desperate face. Corey sighed.

"It's dinnertime." Yorey said. "Slut." Corey's expression shifted from tired to excited as his guts were ripped from his body and shoved into Yorey's hungry gullet, his entrails being processed through Yorey's gaping, ringlike throat as they were gulped down and emptied into his stomach, where they began to make his tummy swell with his partner's guts. "Mmmmm... not bad." Yorey said. "I love apple flavor." Corey's eyes just about rolled back in his head with pleasure at his comment and he wanted so badly for the rest of him to be swallowed. He twitched when he was lifted and engulfed by Yorey's maw, which gave him a quick chew before greedily shoving him down his hot, fat throat with a hard swallow as Yorey licked the last traces of his flavor from his lips. As Corey was emptied into Yorey's stomach, he began to twitch and squirm, which made Yorey irritated. He punched his gut. "Stay still in there while i digest you slut." He said. "You'd love to turn into my tummy soup, wouldn't you? I bet you can't wait to become Corey soup, huh? I'm gonna melt you down in my stomach and turn you into fat rolls on my big fat gut, Corey. Doesn't that turn you on? Weirdo. Slut. Sit still while i watch TV and rub my tummy while i turn you into a fat dump." Yorey scoffed. "I bet you get turned on by that, too. Slut." Yorey said demeaningly. He wiped the blood from his face and sat on his bed, turning on adult swim and relaxing as he massaged his belly. To be honest, the sensation of being so full, so soft and fat was really turning him on too. He leaned against his fat tummy and relaxed, feeling his gut jiggle with the sheer amount of food as it began to process. He felt full as he watched, and the next day he awoke to feeling Corey laying next to him in bed, fresh and unbruised from the recovery center. He looked content, like an angel sleeping, his chest rising and falling with every gentle breath. He sighed. He hated to admit it, but the slut was actually pretty cute. He went back to bed to sleep off the huge meal that was still drugging his sytem. He woke up at 3:00pm and he couldn't be more content. he felt... full.

-the end- 

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