Greetings! (A/N)

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Howdy! It's your friend Maddie! Welcome to my story!

This story will be taking place in an AU of mine. An AU where everything is the same except everybody has wings. Details will be explained later on in the story, but if you would like to know more you can find a post about it over on my instagram account! (I go by the exact same name on there so come on by if you so desire~)

As of right now I will do my absolute very best to update this weekly, usually on fridays. If something comes up I will be sure to let you know beforehand!

I've included instrumentals to songs for each chapter. I've picked songs that either go well with the plot of the chapter or with the character that it is mainly focused on. Feel free to listen to them as you read if you so desire~

I should go ahead and tell you that unlike most of the stories I write, this is NOT going to be a short read. Make sure you get all of your basic necessities and work all taken care of before you sit down and start or pick up where you last left off because this bad boy is going to be LONG. We'll be in this together for a Long Time™️.

I would love to give a huuuuuugeeee thanks to my bestest best friend (you know who you are) as well as my wonderful instagram friends sir_chipperson and weeaboo_trash_101 for supporting me through this since the very beginning! They've given me the motivation to work extra hard on this and I'm sure you're happy to see this finally come together~

And without further ado, I present to you The Light of Askr, written by the lovely happyotakugirl721!

Enjoy~! 💖

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