4 | Trouble

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You try your very best to remain as quiet as you could, knowing that the worst you could do was get caught and end up fired in your first day of being moved in departments.

Lucky for you, unlike the loud and old coffee machine in your old department, the coffee machine you used now was very quiet, releasing a low rumble occasionally, one that you could barely hear yourself.

"We've learned more improvements that we can make to the product, which will improve the speed, quality, and concerns with the car. The engine is now updated, and we have controlled the engine turn on that makes it really loud. It only radiates a soft purr now, and the increase in speed is incredible." A melodic voice said, laughing softly. You could practically hear the smile in their voice.

Surprisingly, the voice had a strange effect on you. It was so melodic and relaxing, yet still spoke with a joyful tone. It wasn't a voice you were used to, yet it sounded strangely familiar to your ears.

You heard a muffled reply, though you couldn't hear what the person was saying. "Oh yes, that's definitively part of the deal," The first speaker purred, dropping his tone low to one that was seductive and husky.

You gulp and your eyes widen. You knew exactly who this was, and there was anything you'd rather do in this world than see and hear the other part of the deal. You hear some soft laughter coming from the second speaker, as the discussion was continued.

You knew there was only a matter of time before their deal would start, but the only way of exit was from the lobby, and you knew it would be more painful to watch it than listen.

However, you didn't have any more time to ponder and plot as you were suddenly distracted by the loud sound of beeping coming from the coffee machine. 

Wincing in fear, you listen as their laughter stifle before the first speaker spoke up again. "Ah, don't worry, it's nothing. Stay here, I'll go and check on it while fetching some coffee. What would you like?"

After a few seconds of their reply, you heard him speak again. "A latte? Of course. Anything for you." The voice chuckled angelically before you heard the clatter of shoes over the wooden floor, signaling that the person was walking towards you.

You were screwed, especially considering the fact that Jimin was about to spot you out of place, and you were sure that he'd do anything to be rid of you. 

Looking around frantically, you hide in the first place you spotted ideal. Speed walking to hide behind the plant that was next to the fridge, you listened to the footsteps approaching with squinted eyes, praying that he wouldn't see you. 

He paced around the room, and you heard him press some buttons on the machine to make coffee. Opening your eyes ever so slightly, you try looking around, but fail to identify his location. You shuffle a bit, peering from around the fridge.

Your predictions were right, as your eyes landed on Jimin, whose back was turned to you, fixing 2 cups of coffee. His broad back was in perfect view, as you drooled over the muscles that could be seen even with a shirt. Even doing a mundane task like coffee making, he still managed to like hot as hell.

You internally smack your perverted thoughts away. Hot? He's your department head, for crying out loud! He's also known as the fuckboy of your company, and a total dick.

If you had to make one promise to yourself, you knew that you would choose to never fall for him, even if it's the death of you. [ A/N: Even if I die, it's you ;) ]

Jimin stayed for a couple minutes more and waited until the coffees were done, occasionally looking around the room. You decided that ducking back into your corner would be safer, in case he spotted you.

Eventually, he walked out, and you sighed in relief.

"Here you go, madam. Sorry for my absence, I've checked the machines, and they are operating properly. Shall we continue our discussion?" Jimin inquired, his voice coated with a layer of sugar, making even you melt.

Knowing it would take a while before their session ended, you slumped and made yourself comfortable behind the potted plant, glancing at your watch every few minutes.

Finally, after 18 minutes of laughter and chats, you heard the conversation drift to talking about leaving.

"Ah! It's already 12:15! I have to get off to another meeting" A giggly voice said, one that you recognized not to be Jimin's.

"I'll see you next time then, it was a pleasure working with you," Jimin said breezily with a light laugh. You heard the sound of heels clicking, and soon enough, the lounge was dead silent. 

From the lady's report, you knew that it was 12:15, which meant that it was lunch break. Lunch break was only for an hour, and you had promised Minhee that you would meet her, so you really needed to leave.

To make sure it was safe, you waited for two more minutes before leaving your hiding spot and tiptoeing to the door. Peering out and looking around, you were relieved to find that there was no one in sight. Smiling to yourself, you walk towards the end of the lounge, about to exit when a voice catches you off guard.

"Leaving so soon?"

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