15 | *Not Today

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[ WARNING: Slightly heated scene coming up! It's not smut, but just a warning. Please play 'Not Today' or 'House of Cards' by BTS to suit this chapter if you would like :) ]

| JIMIN'S P.O.V. |

"Jimin, wait!" She called out, making me pace on faster. I didn't know why I was getting so mad, but I didn't feel in the mood to deal with her right now.

Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I tried shrugging her off but she didn't let go. Surprisingly, her strong arm managed to hold and drag me back to her, forcing me to stop.

"What do you want?" I growled out cooly in a low tone, shooting a glare to her that usually managed to scare off even the worst of people.

Not her, apparently. She looked into my eyes, her wide innocent eyes portraying an unexpected sadness and innocence that captured my full attention.

"Jimin," she says, softly, her once tight grip loosening. "I really, really need to talk to you right now, it's urgent." The desperation in her eyes was far too clear, muddling with my thoughts.

If only she knew the effect she had on me right now. It took all of my self-control not to grab her and slam her against the wall, pressing my lips against her-

No, I thought to myself firmly, shaking my head, trying to clear my mind of all these dirty thoughts, remembering that she wanted my help.

Seeing that she had me controlled now, she pleads again. "Could we...," she hesitates, pausing. "Go back to your apartment?" 

Fighting an internal war with myself, the side of me that wanted to shut her out and the other that melted at her warm, big eyes, I finally was able to make a final decision that I hoped I wouldn't regret.

Nodding, I start stalking off again, but in the direction of my house. I feel her other hand join her first to wrap themselves around my arm, clinging onto me as though her life depended on it.

She didn't let go the whole way, until we reached my house, as she shook off her jacket and flung down onto the sofa, jacket falling to the ground with a satisfactory light thump

The action turned something in me on, knowing that the enemy's jacket was off. She was no longer linked, in any form, to that Jungkook guy anymore.

She was completely and only mine now.

I licked my lips and smiled seductively, knowing what's to come.

She couldn't escape from me now.


| YOUR P.O.V. |

Your hundreds of thousands of questions demanded desperately for an answer, but not a single one of them could make their way out of your mouth. Every time you wanted to ask a question, your mouth could clam out and nothing would come out. It was frustrating.

The warmth of his body kept me warmer than the jacket that Jungkook gave me, and every time a wave of wind hit I'd cling onto his arm tighter. The awkward silence didn't improve things as I felt the tension roll off him.

There was nothing more freeing than getting out of that stuffy jacket when we finally reached his apartment. I took it off, feeling free of Jungkook's presence as I plopped down onto his sofa, closing my eyes for a second.

It had been a long day, and it felt hard to believe that it was only yesterday when I had gone out with my friends. It felt like years ago as I tried to recall the short and pleasant memories we shared.

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