Hello my lovelies! ^-^
First off, I've already reached out to those reading my second book, but you can't make a fair conclusion without a large sample- so here I am! Let's hop to it. So we haven't much on today's agenda. Really it's just one thing, but I feel bad for making a post that's just on one thing so... let's add a few more!
Today's Agenda:
- A Thanks
- The Real Thing
I know I've said it a million times, but I am so amazed by you guys. When I started this first book, I was just some weirdo jabbing at a keyboard, as most of us are when we start out. I never even dreamed of getting even seven readers, let alone seventy thousand. And I know that in the grand scheme of things, that's really not that much. But to me it feels like the world. So again, thank you all so much for sticking it out with me ^-^
Also, thank you to those of you who've taken your time to read my second book as well! For those of you who haven't, you should hop by! Things are getting a little more intense 0o0
On a more serious note though, let's move onto the real thing. So, when writing, I tend to look back on past chapters in my second book for reference- I like to try (keyword try) to keep things consistent. That being said, I also need to look back on this first book and, oof- let me tell you, that is a rough thing to do.
So. Starting today, I will be going back and editing the entirety of It's Only Forever, giving it some fluff and just overall touching it up. Now, I am really excited for this project, but I wanted to get everyone's opinions. Would you all like me to keep the original up, so you have it in addition to the edited version? Or should I just replace it with all the edits?
On one hand I would like to be rid of this old version entirely (because some things in it are just yikes lol), but on the other, I think it's nice to show people where I started. Not that there's been a huge difference, but there has been some. Another option is to make it only available to followers, sort of a 'behind the scenes' special feature as you will. I think all ideas are awesome, but I always like to get your input first.
Let me know! You can comment below or message me directly, I always appreciate both ^-^
Alright, that should do it! Thank you guys again and I hope to see you on Not Long At All's next chapter! As always,
p.s. yes, this post was very similar to the one I made on my second book, but we believe in productivity! And sometimes you just gotta get the information out there! Have a great day ya'll ^-^
It's Only Forever (a labyrinth fanfic)
FanfictionOh dear, the impossible has happened. I, the incredibly level headed ruler of darkness, have written a fanfic. Oh no. The world that you thought you knew was all a lie. I am so sorry. If you despise me for this, vote, comment and like anyway! ^_^