Riddle Me This

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All right you Labyrinth fans! As you saw at the end of my last chapter (hopefully -_-), I need some really tricky riddles. Why you may ask? Because this handsome fellow here *points to self* is too lazy to google awesome riddles. It is for this reason that I need all yous guys to google, search, think of, and find riddles.

The riddle will be used in chapter 18 so if you know the answer don't spoil it!

Also, dedication will be given to that fantabulous person who gives it to me. No submition= no prize :(

Please send the riddle to me via my inbox/private message thing. Hopefully you know what I'm talking about.

Thank you so much for all the support and help on this! ^_^

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Demiurge (DEM-ee-urj), noun - A powerful creative force or a creative personality.

^^ New Vocab Word For Ya! ^^

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