Chapter 2: Princess Ophelia

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Kaiba POV
I quickly do a recheck to make sure everything is packed. Mokuba is going to be staying with Joey for the month of his break which he seemed very pleased when he heard the news. I grab my charger for my laptop to do work while my flight to London. "Oh no no no sweety. This is going to stay right here." Eliza says as she takes away my laptop and places it on the desk it rests upon "No work remember this is your vacation." Eliza says as she walks out of our shared bedroom she also takes away my suitcase. Since I'm wearing nothing but a plain sweatshirt, a pair of sweats, and sneakers I can't really hide my laptop. What? Even I like wearing comfortable clothes.
Our limo takes us to the airport where my private jet is currently at "Looks like Yugi and Yami are waiting for us." Eliza says as she checks her phone "Okay if you get to have your phone can I have my phone back." I ask "No because you are going to go behind my back and do work, but you can have this." She hands me a normal looking phone "Why did you give me this if you are so worried I'm going to do work." I ask "This phone only has four numbers Yami's,Yugi's,Mokuba's, and mine. Also I only downloaded some apps that might get you through the flight. It doesn't have an email app and you can't add any numbers to it." Eliza explains. I glare at her. Eliza really thought about every situation. Not to long we arrive at the airport we see the limo we sent to Yugi and Yami parked and two identical star heads are right beside it "Yo Yami over here." Eliza yells. Both Yami and Yugi look at us and they smile. Eliza goes ahead to hug both Yugi and Yami while I go in to shake each other's hand "I'm so excited we get to go to London and stay in a castle this is going to be the month ever!" Eliza squeals as she gets in the jet Yami and Yugi follow her trails while I'm the last one to get on. I take my usual seat and watch the view outside of my window Eliza comes back with two water bottles she hands one to me I mumble thank not too long after that both Yugi and Yami have arms filled with snacks and they sit right in front of us. "I didn't know you were best friends with a princess Kaiba." Yugi says "Yeah how did you two meet." Yami asks "Its not that interesting if that's what you are expecting." I say "Still we would want to know." Eliza says "Besides it will be a few hours before we land in London." Eliza adds. I sigh "Well back when my ungrateful lousy father was in charge of Kaiba Corp. He was close friends with the King. The King and him would always have business meetings, and I would often come along my said it was necessary for me to know how meetings work or whatever. Then one day the King decided to bring his kid as well."


"Young Seto I would like you to meet my daughter. Ophelia this is Seto, Seto Ophelia." The king introduces me "It's nice to meet you!" Ophelia exclaims as she gives me a very arousing handshake I look back at my father to only find the death stare. I sigh trying to look like I'm pleased to meet her "Nice to meet you too." I say. My father and the King went to a room to discuss some business things "Hey do you like games?" Ophelia asks "Yeah?" I say confused " I brought my chess board do you wanna play with me?" Ophelia asks. "Sure" I say. Its better than doing nothing at least in my opinion.

Seto POV
"And then whenever our parents have a business meeting we would have our usual rounds of chess. We kept in touch once we have reached our teen years. To this day she is the only person to ever beat me in chess." I say as I try to remember the details. "Woah." They all say in amazement "What happened?" Eliza says "What do mean." I ask "Well in the letter it says it's been awhile." Eliza clarifies "Oh, well I ever since I became the CEO of Kaiba Corp I quickly became too busy to write to her. I would here and there, but due to recent events I haven't written to her at all until last week." I explain. A few hours later I see a little peak with a flag. I recognize it immediately that we are in London. I look to my left to see Eliza asleep while Yugi is reading and Yami is looking at something in his phone, yet while doing so they are holding their hands as their engagement rings sparkle in the sunlight. Yami's ring is a Red Groove Black Tungsten Carbide Dragon Ring while Yugi's is the same but instead of red its purple. The purple kinda reminds me of her. Oh ra anything that has purple it reminds me of her hair and her eyes her gorgeous amethyst eyes. "Passengers we have arrived at our destination." The pilot announces on the speakers. Eliza wakes up and goes to the bathroom while I get our stuff together.

We all get out of the jet as soon as we landed within the castle grounds we are greeted with guards. They all make a straight line and I can see one person running and another person walking behind them "Seto!" Ophelia exclaims as she gives me a friendly hug "Its good to see you again." Ophelia says as she lets go of me goes to hug Eliza "Oh and who are these to lovely guests." Ophelia asks "Oh the one on the right is Yami and his fiance Yugi." I introduce them "Yami is Eliza's twin brother." I explain "Oh how wonderful its nice to meet you two." Ophelia says as she gives them hugs as well. The lady that was walking behind Ophelia finally caught up "Oh Seto I would like to introduce you to someone." Ophelia says as she stands next to the lady. The lady wore a professional looking attire she had a black pencil skirt, a grey blazer with a white button up shirt, she had black heels. The lady also wore black frame square glasses though the thing that caught my attention was her hair she had short lilac hair just like Luna, but her eyes aren't purple they are blue they remind me the eyes of a blue eyes white dragons. "Seto this is Eleanor Mairead, she is my right hand women. She has been working for me for 3 years I believe." Ophelia introduces us to Eleanor. On the corner of my eye I see Eliza with wide eyes I look back to see Yugi and Yami surprised "Its nice to meet you all." Eleanor says, she doesn't have a very strong british accent, but you can tell she has one. This not Luna, Luna sucks at accents "Eleanor are the rooms ready for them?" Ophelia asks "Yes Ophelia they are ready for the tenth time." Eleanor responds with a frustrated tone. I have never heard anyone call ophelia without adding "your majesty." or "princess." also never sounded so annoyed with her at least right in front of her face "I'm sorry I'm just really excited my best friend is here with his wife and future to be in-laws." Ophelia says in an apologetic tone "Eleanor can you take our guests to their rooms." Ophelia commands "Sure." Eleanor responds. She takes us inside the castle and shows us around the castle "And right in here is the dining hall this were you will have dinner with Ophelia." Eleanor explains. Finally she takes to the guest corridors "Alright let me make sure I have this right. The wedded couple will share a room while the soon to be wedded couple will be sharing a room as well?" Eleanor looks over at her clipboard to see if everything is correct "Yes." I say "I'm sorry but I need to ask you something." Eliza says "Yes?" Eleanor responds. Eliza then gets all up in Eleanor's personal space "Have we met before?" Eliza asks "N-No madame." Eleanor responds "You sure you look awfully familiar?" Eliza asks "I'm sure we haven't I would have remember you." Eleanor responds standing her ground. I quickly mumble an apology and pull Eliza away from her. "Dinner will be ready at four you have free time to explore the castle grounds." Eleanor advises us as she walks away after handing our keys and showing us to our rooms. "I don't trust her." Eliza says once we enter the room. "Why?" I ask not really interested "Something about her isn't right, I can't explain it but I have a feeling she isn't who she says she is." Eliza explains. I really don't get why she doesn't like the women though she does have a point something about her just seems artificial. Eliza decided to go out exploring London with Yami and Yugi while I stayed in the castle. I was just exploring the castle until I heard Ophelia's voice I stop dead in my tracks and stay perfectly quiet "This is stupid!" I hear someone yell "No it's quite genius." I hear Ophelia argh back "Oh come one Ophelia training doves to attack someone is ridiculous." "It's something no one will suspect" "That's it I'm done with this discussion" "Oh come one Eleanor.". Huh never heard someone argue with Ophelia either she is something I finally decide to get out of my hiding spot "Oh Seto! How long have you been standing there?" Ophelia asks "Enough to know that you really think that you can train doves to attack anyone." I say "Anyways I was kinda hoping that you and I could." I say as I pull out a chess board out of my coat "Oh you brought it sweet!" Ophelia said excitedly. The servants made our table ready "Oh Eleanor can you please sing to use I'm your voice makes me more focus." Eleanor requests "Seriously?" Eleanor asks in an annoyed tone. Ophelia then pulls out her weapon.....puppy dog eyes. Eleanor tries to resist but in the end it fails "*sighs* fine, what is your request." Eleanor asks. Ophelia has an evil smirk painted across her face she leans in to whisper her request. Eleanor goes wide eyed and turns red "No way! We a guest here." Eleanor exempts or at least tries  "Please it's so pretty" Ophelia whines. She then instructs the servants to play the song which they all get out their instruments.

Not going to lie she sings beautiful surprisingly she can sing well in Spanish. "Seto?" Ophelia calls out I hum in response "Check mate!" She says victoriously. I look at my board to find nothing but a terrible game. There were so many positions I could have won "I was distracted" I argue "Excuses, excuses wanna play best out of 5?" Ophelia offers "Your on." I say

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