GF PT2!! a little longer

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'I think I want to take Ford's apprenticeship.' were the only words that circled around Mabel's head as they left her brothers mouth. The brunette blinked, mouth running dry as she tried to formulate a response to Dipper's piercing words.

"Ford's apprenticeship is what almost ruined Gravity Falls, Dipper!" She eventually snapped and looked at him, "That's what caused Bill to take over Gravity Falls and try to ruin the world! He almost cost Great Uncle Ford, and Grunkle Stan and Wendy and Soos and Lazy Eye Suzan and Grenda and Candy and everybody else there!"

"No," Dipper suddenly got defensive, "what got us in that mess was that you took my backpack and ran off. After Ford and I got the apprehensive to seal the crack, you gave that dumb dome to Bill, and that's what began his reign; Weirdmageddon. That's--" Dipper paused, "That's what almost cost us you and our relationship. Do you know how scary that was?" Dipper gulped, adams apple bobbing slightly.


The pale male let out a sigh to cut his sister off and shook his head, "Don't worry about it." He got up, grunting slightly as he did, "I'm going to tell mom and dad tomorrow."

Mabel got up with her brother, trailing up the stairs shortly behind him, "Dipper! I just don't want. ." Mabel paused for a moment, contemplating on if she could continue, "I don't want to lose you! I got close to it once, and I don't want to get close to it again."

Dipper stopped in the middle of the stairs and looked back at her. He hopped down a couple stairs and wrapped his arms around her, burrowing his head into the space between the crook of her neck and her shoulder. He let out a shaky breath and stared blankly at the wall of family and school pictures on the wall. Mabel exhaled softly, embracing him back. A happy grin fell onto her lips, and the hug made her feel a bit more at ease. Maybe she'd convinced him not to go, and to stay with her so they could survive high school together.

"I'll stay." Dipper told her, "I'll stay a little longer."

Those words made Mabel cling onto him a little harder, squeeze onto his noodle arms a bit more. Longer? Stay longer? That still meant that he would be leaving (if mom and dad allowed it, and they would). The security Mabel had previously had was slowly diminishing, falling piece by piece onto the ground of some void. Mabel's shoulders rose and descended, Dipper's chin going with it.

"A little longer?"

"Yeah," Dipper nodded, giving her a tight squeeze before pulling back, "a little longer."

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