secret for the mad alt ending

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Lance got up and started to stumble to his car when he heard footsteps from behind him. The brunette's senses jumped and his body turned swiftly. Lance's eyes were wide as he realized his security in no one knowing all his secrets had just been discarded and thrown in the trash.

"Hey, that was really depressing." A short brunette with glasses said, "You should go see a therapist or something because that was awkward."

"Why didn't you say something?! Stop me from spilling my guts out?" Lance wailed

The person shrugged, "Because. Hearing secrets is fun because that means you have blackmail on people. And besides, I tried to say something and you didn't hear me sooo. . ." The person crossed their arms, "I dunno."

Lance rolled his eyes, "No one hears about this! Okay?"

"What do I get out of it?"


"Like, What will you give me in exchange for me to keep my mouth shut?"


"No, that's too suffocating."

Lance paused, then nodded, "Agreed. Hmm. . Twenty bucks."


"Twenty-One bucks!"


"Twenty-five. Deal?"

The person hesitated, then stuck their hand out, "You have a deal, my friend."

Lance shook it, "I don't have any cash on me right now, but you hang out with nerds right?"

"I guess you could say that, but—"

"Okay, I know where to find you Monday." And with that, Lance walked off.

Though Lance acted fine, his body was in that fight-or-flight mode. Deal with it until the obstacle is gone.

Lol idk if this is actually apart of the story that's for you to decide

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