Gravity 51 (Gravity Falls short story)

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a/n: i really need to get unobsessed with gravity falls. probably why i started watching bobs burgers bUT IT HAS KRISTEN SCHAAL so uhhhh damn


     Ever since Dipper was young he'd been interested in everything extra terrestrial, weird or out-of-the-ordinary. Being in Gravity Falls for that fateful summer sparked Dipper's further investigation on these abnormalities, and forged a path for him that lead to a scholarship at a pristine scientific college and doors opened for him that Dipper didn't even think were possible.

     After a stellar letter of recommendation from his Great-Uncle Ford, stunning grades throughout his high school and college career, and a few discoveries he'd made while studying Ford's journals and experimenting in his basement got Dipper the job of a lifetime; a job at Area 51. With this new job, Dipper would be the apprentice for award-winning scientists, be there firsthand to examine new creatures, and get one hell of a job on his resume. To be excited was a major understatement for our pal, Dipper Pines.

     With all of this being said, Dipper was forced to leave his hometown Piedmont, California and move to the outskirts of Las Vegas, Nevada to be closer to his new workplace. Since this is in the 1950's, there wasn't FaceTime or Skype, so all Dipper had to commemorate home with was a stuffy picture of his family together (Mabel was doing a funny face, so not completely stuffy), some hazy memories from his going away party and a letter Ford had given Dipper during his last visit in Gravity Falls. Dipper had been strictly instructed to only open it when no cracks in his case seemed to be in sight; when there was no light at the end of the tunnel.

     "Do not open this unless your life, or your work depends on it. Got it?" Ford had a piece of folded paper clenched tightly in his hands as he looked at Dipper with a stern look, back slightly hunched to reach the younger male's height.

     Dipper nodded affirmative, "It'll stay sealed," he told his great uncle with a certain look on his face.

     Ford pursed his lips and placed the paper in Dipper's sweaty palm, "I'm putting trust in you, Dipper."

     "I'll make you proud." Dipper wrapped his arms around Ford before swiftly pulling back.

     As Dipper made his way out of the giftshop (after a few minutes of conversing with Stan about the newest Gold Chains For Old Men issue and Soos about some Mystery Shack repairs), a voice stopped him from leaving.

     "Also Dipper," Ford started, causing the scrawny brunette to turn around, "keep good care of this for me."

     Dipper found Journal 3 in his clutches in a matter of second, eyes wide and mouth slightly ajar. He looked up and made eye contact with Ford, brows raised as a look of awe further covered his face.

     "Why would you give me this?" Dipper asked

     "I want you to add some more entries for me. . ." Ford paused, "Finish my journal. . . And don't let anyone else know this exists"

     The brunette's eyes shimmered as an expression of determination washed over him, "I won't let you down!" And with that, Dipper left.


     "Mason." A voice called, ". . . Mason." The voice trailed off, "Mason Pines!"

     Dipper's arm flailed and he spun his chair around as fast as humanly possible. He looked up and saw his boss, Cato Simmons hovering over him. A few papers flew around before gracefully falling back down onto the desk or onto the floor. Dipper pushed some hair out of his face before making eye contact once again with his boss.

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