Chapter 4

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                     Everything has it pros and cons, and so did attending Jung Hoseok's party.

Even though, there was never a dull moment in those parties and it would suffice to say, I had never regretted a single moment spent—this time it felt like all was about to change.

The pros of going were, the possibility of finding out who this unknown was and putting an immediate end to all this mess.

The downside was, of course, the opposite; The chance of giving away my identity.


I sat cross-legged on yoongi's bed, deciding on the right words that would convince him to accompany me at the party.

Believe me when I say, you would solve a rubik's cube blindfolded earlier than you'd ever persuade him.

Yoongi's room was neat and empty.
Namjoon, his roommate, was already leaving by the time I knocked on the door. Weirdly enough, he let me in and left without a word.

Truth be told, he was kind of intimidating.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door creaking open, followed by familiar footsteps of Yoongi.

His damp black hair were slicked back, signifying that, he had taken a shower after his countless matches before coming here.

"Dria? What are you doing here?", He let out as his eyes landed on me.

"Is it too much to expect a nice 'hello' from you?"

"Yes. People who ignore my messages don't deserve my nice greetings." He replied, sitting on the other side of the bed, stretching his legs.

Oh yeah, that.

"So you're mad at me just because I ignored your two messages?"

"Its so much more than that but...I'm too tired to explain." Yoongi slowly blinked his eyes, giving me a lazy glare.

"Good because I uh.." I started to trail off, "have to.."

Damn he was even scarier when he was tired.

Telling myself that he was my best friend for fuck's sake and I could do this, I tried to muster up some courage.

I was also aware that I was over reacting now.

Clearing my throat, I began, "I have to ask you for a favour."

"What?" He snapped.
Damn ok.

"Its not even that big if you ask me, its just, you make it a huge deal...sometimes." I momentarily dodged his question.

"What the hell is it?"

I sighed, "Just come to the Hoseok's party with me"
"Please" I added.


Well...that was quick and—not good.

The more dramatic I was going to act the further I'd get from convincing Yoongi. So being straight-forward was the key here.

"Yoongi please, its just one night and besides..."
I begrudgingly knew what I was about to say next may get me the answer I wanted to hear.

"And the guy you unnecessarily paired me up with asked me to come."

His ears suddenly perked up as he looked at me, temporary shock lingering in his eyes.

"So you didn't block him!?"

I resisted rolling my eyes. Isn't it obvious you dumbass.

But I resorted to making a gesture that said 'well—because you insisted'.

"Who's the guy anyway." He asked, now scooting closer.

If only I knew Yoongi, If only I knew.

"No idea." I simply said, shrugging.
"But if you come to the party with me, we'll find out I guess." And cut him straight out of the picture.

"Oh..kay, in that case we must go." He thoughtfully said, brushing his hands together like he was ready to go now if he could.

Wow, amazing.

The amount of concern he showed for my 'love-life' was almost terrifying.


We were now climbing the steps of Jung Hoseok's house and for some reason I just couldn't shake this growing bad feeling off.

At least Yoongi's presence was somewhat comforting.

Stepping through the open front door that opened straight into the empty pool area, we were greeted with flashing coloured lights, in sync with an unfamiliar music.

Hoseok's voice issued from the speakers somewhere inside, indicating where the crowd actually was.

Yoongi and I followed the noise and reached the spacious living room where Hoseok, perched atop a table, was shouting something into the mic, hyping up the crowd.

It looked like a mini-concert, if you ask me; which of course, only the likes of him could pull off.

I looked around, taking in my surroundings—but what I saw next, completely took over my senses.

Seated on the sofa in the far end of the room, was a very familiar male body, completely entwined with a female one, twisting her red hair around his fingers.

I had a full blown view of Park Jimin furiously making out.

I have a feeling, I should re-write this 🤷🏻‍♀️

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