Chapter 7

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Early morning sun rays seeped through the glass wall, enveloping the cafeteria in its warm glow.
My empty coffee cup was now perched aimlessly atop the table while I sat in my chair, savouring moments of silence in the rarely empty cafeteria.

Just then, the double doors opened, making an echoing sound that announced somebody's entrance in the silent room.
My gaze averted to this person; eyes slightly widening at the realisation that it was none other than Taehyung.

His head looked messier than ever, like he put an effort into taming his bed hair but with little to no luck.
But despite that, he somehow still managed to look good wearing nothing but grey sweatpants and a simple red hoodie.

Looking at him, all I could painstakingly think of was, whatever the hell I did with him at the party. Horrifying thoughts of him confronting me about my actions made me further slouch in my chair, hoping he, somehow, wouldn't see me.

I quickly shifted my focus to the cafeteria counter, not wanting to make any sort of eye contact with him.

Through my peripheral vision, I saw him walking in my direction, making me almost shudder with the thought of him pulling up a chair next to me. But —not quite— to my relief, Taehyung ended up seating himself on the table that was right before mine.

Entire length of cafeteria with empty tables and he chooses

Trying to look anywhere but him was proving to be harder than I thought.
Especially when I couldn't shake this... feeling of sorts, that his eyes were now, on me.

I fought my urge to look back till I absolutely couldn't and dared to meet his eyes.

He didn't look away —like one normally would when caught staring— instead, he held my gaze with a firmness that stirred something some where in the pit of my stomach.
The growing intensity in his stare made me look away, leaving me with nothing but embarrassingly warm ears.


V: good morning 💞
V: and hello to you. How's your morning going so far👅

Me: terrible
Me: I cant stop thinking about the stupid drunken kisS

V: why🌚 was it hot?🌚

Me: no wtffff
Me: I cant even remember it
Me: and to top it off, I went to cafeteria early morning so I'd have some lone time and get my mind off of things but nooo
Me: Mr. Taehyung barges in to ruin everything

V: taehyung?

Me: wdym how?
Me: just seeing his face reminded of the fact that I oh-so-drunk kisseD him

V: wait what?
V: you told me u kissed your ex's friend... does that mean....
V: oh crap you are actually Park Jimin's ex?

Me: ......
Me: no?
Me: who's park jimin

V: you cant even lie on text🤦🏻‍♀️
V: yes yes you're Park Jimin's ex

Me: no okay how r u so sure. Cant taehyung have oTHER friends

V: he has tones, true. But the entire planet knows he's Jimin's bestfriend since they r always together
V: hence the reason you labelled him "your ex's friend"

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