Many enemies of the king

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Thorin watched as the guard bowed to him after entering and took the position to address the king.

"My apologies for disturbing you, your majesty, your highness, but I have received a message that Thilrik requests your presence, my king," the guard spoke causing Thorin to raise his brows and glanced at you briefly before sending the guard out.

"Who's Thilrik?" you asked curiously as you saw Thorin's frustrated expression on his face.

"Navubela's mother, highborn dwarrowdam whose family is the few of noble families I need to be cautious about," Thorin explained and taking hold of your hand started walking out from the room.

"As in...?" you were a little confused. You didn't know why the king should know about a lower rank family than himself but apparently, in court, everyone was plotting some devious plot on how to improve their own social hierarchy among the royalty.

"Thilrik's great-great-grandmother Mita was a direct descendant of Náin II although she wasn't acknowledged as Durin folk because she was born secretly. Mita was a child of Nain II and his secret lover of a noble family whose name was told only on Náin's deathbed, but if given the chance her family could try to claim the throne," Thorin's voice was solemn, his whole demeanour stiffened when he remembered what his father Thrain had told him when he was still a wee lad.

You couldn't believe that Navubela's family could do such a thing to Thorin but then again, you had witnessed how possessive Navubela could be and passionate and envies her father was, so only Mahal knew what kind of dwarf Thilrik was. Shivers travelled through your spine when you thought about it.

Walking through the hallways hand in hand Thorin and you talked about the celebration after the formal coronation and how he was gonna braid your courting braid again with different style and attach the royal courting bead on it. Giggling feeling rather giddy you hugged his arm while walking forward earning a side glance and cheeky smirk from Thorin before he leaned little toward you kissing your hair.


A familiar voice from behind made you two turn around and looking at Fili who was walking around the corner wearing a royal blue dan black outfit, his hair and moustache braided neatly. You broke into a fond smile when you watched him approaching you and Thorin.

"Fili! It's good to see you!" you greeted him cheerfully giving him a warm hug while Thorin waited why Fili had stopped them.

"Uncle, you mind if I steal her for a moment?" Fili asked glancing at his uncle who smiled warmly a little chuckle escaping from him.

"I don't mind, but you better return her to me unharmed," Thorin joked pointing a finger to his nephew like he was warning him. Fili laughed at that while you shook your head slightly amused by Thorin's behaviour.

"I swear she will not have a scratch on her when she comes back," Fili chimed flashing a bright smile.

"Good, now off you go. I'll see you later givashel," Thorin chuckled kissing your temple and watched as Fili guided you toward the staircase that led to the royal wing.

Sighing Thorin turned and approached the guest rooms at the end of the corridor uneasy feeling creeping in his mind. He had a sixth sense when it came to troubles and this one was a particularly strong one. Stopping in front of the dark brown double doors he inhaled deeply summoning all the calmness in Middle-Earth to prevent him to explode on Navubela's mother and opening the door stepped in.

Eyeing his surroundings Thorin noticed that the room was a little gloomy making him narrow his eyes. For some odd reason, the curtains on the windows had been pulled in front of them, preventing any light coming into the room.

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