Chapter 2

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Rodrick snorted as he read through another chapter of the book, according to the book, Muggles only saw a danger sign should they ever come anywhere close to Hogwarts, said sign was supposed to keep them from attempting to enter the castle. He knew full well that such a sign wouldn't have stopped him, let alone muggles who, he was certain, had a bigger death wish.

Hogwarts was a fascinating castle, it was said to have been built almost 1000 years ago, no one really knew the exact time as such records were lost over the years. The more he read, the more he realised how much he'd missed out on whilst stuck in the orphanage, it's not that he wasn't allowed out but more that he simply found the idea of magic really existing impossible. Until he'd received his letters. So far, it looked like he'd chosen the right school. As he was about to turn the page, Rodrick heard the rustle of the compartment door open, there in front of him was the girl he'd met on the platform.


The girl broke the silence first.

"Hello, I am Daphne Greengrass..." This seemed to earn no response from the boy, "from the platform, you helped my sister," her eyes slightly narrowed as once again he didn't reply, leaving the girl confused at his sudden memory loss.

"I remember, I am just curious why you're standing there," Rodrick eventually said with a small smile. She didn't like the smile if the scowl on her face was anything to go by. I must look rather pretentious I suppose. Getting rid of the smile, Rodrick stood up and offered his hand to shake properly; this received a better response.

The girl quickly took a seat opposite him.

Rather forward of her, didn't even ask for permission... although I suppose I don't own this compartment so perhaps she doesn't need it? Even then politeness demands some attempt of... ah forget it. "I imagine you're looking to be in Slytherin?" This caught the girl by surprise but she didn't seem to be upset her if her tugging lips had anything to say about it.

"Yes I suppose I am, either that or Ravenclaw, my parents were in those houses," She had a longing look in her eyes when she mentioned her family.

Wonder what that feels like, thought Rodrick.

Daphne followed with, "what makes you say that?" Her voice sounded sincere, I think so anyway, I am not sure what sincere sounds like, for all I know I could confuse it with contempt. Rodrick only just realized how big a different world an orphanage was to the wizarding world. Or basically any other place that wasn't an orphanage...

"No reason," was all Rodrick answered with, this met two slightly narrowed slits, yup straight to Slytherin was his last thought.

Daphne eyes went over to the book beside and widened when she saw the book, "Reading a book like that? On a train?"

Confusion was writ over Rodrick's face, wondering if he'd made a mistake. "Is that bad?" he asked in a slightly wavering voice.

She studied him for a second before answering, "Well you said you're from an orphanage... I had thought you'd prefer the view over reading about a castle you're bound to learn about,". She finished with a raised eyebrow.

Content with the answer Rodrick deflated to his seat.

"I can watch the view next year if I make it out Hogwarts alive this year, I ought to prepare for that don't you think?" He said the last part with a hint of amusement; this earned a small chuckle out of the girl.

"I hardly see the danger, Hogwarts is the largest wizarding school in Britain and the safest," she looked about to continue the argument but stopped abruptly for some reason. If Rodrick sensed the abruptness, he didn't show it. He stared back at the book and spoke.

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