Chapter 12 "Is this Love?"

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"Monoma? Can we please talk about this?" Shinsou said worried.


No response.

Shinsou still didn't get it. Why was Monoma so against a simply ex- date (which is now a hang out due to the events) they were only friends... were they friends or were they.... something more? He was so confused and lost he then looks down to the guy next to him. Maybe Shihai knows?

"Hey Shihai?" 


Shinsou then began to blush a little due to embarrassment, he had to be blunt and not sugar coat what he wanted to ask him, he then took a deep breath, while Shihai gave him a questioning look, and then bluntly asked.

"What is the difference between friendship and love?"

Shihai began to blush, a light pink, which was very obvious since his skin was... you know entirely black.

*Shihai's point of view*

How could I possibly answer that question?!

The guy standing in front of me, one of my new crushes! Is asking me what is love?!

Time to say it from your heart.

"Love is when someone you know makes you feel a certain way about them, little things they do could make you very happy or sad, and you wouldn't want to see someone else take them away, or them to leave your side, you might even feel nervous all the time because you just... Like that person so much that you... just.... Don't know what to think or do with yourself."

"You might feel all warm, and your heart might beat rapidly when around them, or you could just not know your feelings, towards that person yet and only see them as a friend... and I'm... I'm getting off topic aren't I."

I then look up at Shinsou to see his eyes sparkling and glistening with ideas... He looked so...

Memorizing, beautiful, and cute.

"I... I understand now, thank you" Shinsou replies giving me a small smile.

I feel like my heart is going to explode!!!!

Why isn't everyone attracted to him?! He's tall, he has very fluffy hair, nice pale skin, beautiful purple hair and eyes, and he's.... more muscular then when I saw him at the sports festival... I've seen him before! He was that skinny guy who fought against Midoriya and lost.

Well he...

Definitely bulked up since then...

"What are you staring at?" Shinsou questions.

*Shinsou's point of view* 

Is it just me or is he eyeing my arms a lot? But who cares?! Monoma is angry with me because he's confused! Just like....


I feel a sudden urge to throw up, and the air feels colder then usual, I could feel my eyes forming tears.

Then I suddenly drop to my knees with a loud thud.

"S-Shinsou?!" Shihai says very concerned.

The door suddenly opens revealing a Monoma with red puffy eyes and tear stains, and a Kinoko with a frown and slightly hiccuping and sniffling.

*Monoma's point of view, when he started to run away.*

Are you fucking serious?!?!?!

Shinsou Hitoshi, and Shihai?!

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