Chapter 6- Shokugeki

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3rd person pov 

"Tsukasa senpai, let's start as soon as possible. I need to go for an entry test after this so we'll need to be quick." Aika said as Eishi led her to his office after cleaning up his private kitchen as well as locking it. As the two speed walk their way to Eishi's office, the others just stare at them while thinking of the tie results they got, still not exactly believing it. Aika on the other hand didn't even bother with it as she went into the office that look rather disastrous. "Sorry about the mess around here. I tried to tidy it up but with Rindo's paperwork as well as Kuga's sometimes, it tends to get messy." Eishi said as he scratch the back of his neck, rather flustered for letting people see the state of his office. "No wonder you need an assistant so badly, but it's fine. Let's just try to sort it out into the finish and unfinished ones then we can sort it into the pile that is yours and the pile that is from the others." Aika said as she started sorting out the paper that has already been sign or had been finish to one side with the unfinish to another side.

When everything was settled into place, Eishi took another chair and sat on it while he gave Aika his chair as his chair has a better cushion to it. Aika thank him as she started taking half of the paperwork making Eishi panic and try to take back a bit more till finally they agreed on half half each. When they were working, Eishi realized that she was actually doing pretty well and had only stop a few times to ask him which usually needs his signature or if it needs his consideration. "Aika-san, have you done paperwork before?" Eishi ask as he finish up his last paper and look at her. "I have done paperwork for my mom's boutique for quite a long time now while my father likes to give me stacks of them which also includes some fake work that he made up which he had done before in Totsuki as an Elite Ten so I kind of know how it works around here." Aika said as she stop what she was looking at and gave him a small smile. With that, the awkwardness in the room has been broken as they did some small talks while finishing up the rest of the paperwork. Since Eishi finished first, he took some of the leftover paperwork that Aika was still working on and started helping her out with her pile. 

"Tsukasa senpai, you sure can work very fast. Why do you need an assistant if you can finish all your paperwork so fast?" Aika ask as Eishi was finishing up the last few paper. "Well, if it was only my own paperwork then I wouldn't need an assistant as it is relatively easy as I have grown up surrounded by paperwork. But I need to do Rindo's paperwork as well which makes it a bit harder and I can barely even finish it on time. And when Kuga gives me his work, I won't be able to finish all three of our paperwork on time unless I do it overnight which result in many days of sleep gone. With all that, I don't have enough time to create many dish which will also effect me so that is why I need an assistant." Eishi said as he finish the last one with another sigh. "Can't you just ask them to do their own paperwork? And I'm pretty sure there are many people-mostly girls- out there that will be happy to help you out." Aika ask as they rearrange everything to respective places as well as rearranging the paperwork to two piles, one is Eishi's and one is Rindo's. "But if I make them do their paperwork and their hands get a cramp for it then they might not be able to cook again if the injury is too serious. And what if the assistant that I hire does their job horribly? I can't even think of all the possibilities." Eishi said as he became his pessimistic self.

"I see where you are coming from but you never actually thought that the same thing might happen to you huh? And it seems that you can trust me doing the paperwork just fine." Aika said as she anime sweat drop. "Y-you don't understand that. If their hands were to be injured and can never function again then it will be my fault for not doing their paperwork. Also for the fact that Rindo never does hers doesn't help. And from what I see, you can handle the paperwork just fine and not like some of the assistants I had before. Their useless and complain to much so it doesn't help get work done at all. But as you know of, you carry a different personality then them and I know your father's restaurant pretty well because of my father. Your father was different from the rest of the chef I met before, he was very responsible and strict. You see, I actually was tutor by your father for about an year before I went back to my family and decided to come to Totsuki." Eishi said as he look at her at the end of the conversation, turning back to normal after being his very pessimistic self. "My father actually tutored someone and not tell me. I'm surprise. But judging by the way you cook, I can say that you have decided to form your own style and only take what benefits your style of cooking from my father. You're very interesting indeed, Tsukasa senpai. Unfortunately I can't stay any longer to chat, I need to get to the dorm before everybody goes to sleep because I don't want to sleep outside." Aika said as she stand up.

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