Chapter 17

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    It was a long ride. Jesse hadn't said anything since I yelled at him, and I didn't say anything. I closed my eyes leaning back in the seat, running my hand over the leather. After a few more hours of silence he pulled over at an old building. I looked at him then at the building.

    "What's this?" I asked as he got out walking to me and opening the door.
    "Our stop for the night, out out. Now." Jesse unbuckled my belt and pulled me out, nearly sending me falling.
    "So bossy." I muttered to myself.
    "Maybe you forget whose in charge." Jesse said grabbing my wrist pulling me inside and pushing me into a chair. "If your hungry I'll go get you something." He said, I only looked away not answering him. Yes, he's getting the silent treatment. "Okay don't answer me."

    After he walked out the front door I stood. Should I have left? Probably. Did  I leave, no. Instead I walked around the house. Wasn't lived in for a very long time. I walked up the stairs looking into a mirror. My hair had gotten far to long, and my face was dirty. I wiped at my face until it was mostly clean, then I looked around for anything I could cut my hair with but I sadly had no luck.

    When Jesse came back he had two people and just looked at him, and he looked back. He smiled and pushed the male towards me. I took a few steps away. "Jesse? What is this?"
    "Dinner." He said and bit the girl on the wrist, stopping once her heart beat got a bit slow. "See restraint, you can leave now." He pointed at a door.

    Jesse walked upstairs leaving me with the quiet man. He would have been tan, if it wasn't for winter. His hair was short and curly. He looked strong, and tasty. I didn't have restraint, and I didn't feel like killing another person today. So I just looked at him. Then my stomach twisted, I knew what he had given me was still in my system.

    My natural instincts had me and I ran at him biting his neck, hard. I closed my eyes holding his head to the side and holding him close. He was shaking and trying to get from my grasp. Ah Jesses persuading was failing on this guy. I drug my nails into the arm I was holding against his chest, then he went limp, and I still didn't stop. Not even after he started falling forward. When he was on the ground looking up, still alive but barely, I didn't stop. I just held him to the ground. I stopped once his heartbeat was no longer in my head.

     I sat down running a finger across my bottom lip. I looked at my finger laughing softly to myself. I licked my lips laying down. "Damnit Jesse." I said putting a hand over my eyes.
    "Ah Ethan, you lack in restraint. To bad, you'll learn eventually." His voice was annoying. "Anyways we are done here, let's go."

    He didn't have to pull me, or yell at me, I just followed. Didn't try to clean off my face. I just sat in the passenger seat looking out the window. Jesse was winning, and I didn't think I could win. Not after the two people who had died.

    Jesse had won, and he didn't even have to try,

    I had lost, because I no longer could stop myself from the aching hunger. It consumed my thoughts, and Jesse had put them there.

   I could no longer go home, I couldn't help Benny or Sarah. I was no longer Ethan Morgan, I was a monster. And I could no longer call myself a Morgan. I was just Ethan. Ethan a killer.

    How could I have let Jesse just win so easily? I was the loser, a loser I've always been. Now I was a dead killer loser. Put that on my grave stone.

    I just hope Benny and Sarah will forget about me.

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