Bitter Cold

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~Ash's P.O.V~

I was sprawled out in bed fast asleep when I heard a loud banging on the door and Dean's voice yelling through the door. "Rise and shine princess! You got fifteen minuets then we hit the road!" He yelled and went back to his room. I groaned and rolled out of bed and pulled some clothes out of my backpack and walked into the bathroom. I pulled on a grey sweatshirt and black skinny jeans then pulled on black tie up, knee high combat boots. I brushed my middle back, slightly poffy, black, hair and let my bangs fall down over my eyebrows right above my eyes. I dusted on a light layer of black eyeliner around my eyes and then put everything back into my backpack and walked out of my room.

Sam and Dean were leaning against the wall waiting for me when I walked out and I grinned at them and held my backpack over my shoulder. Dean made a low whistling sound and Sam slapped him in the back of his head. I laughed softly and rolled my eyes at them. "Did you check us out of our rooms?" I asked and they answered with a nod. "Alright let's hit the road then!" I said and headed out to the Impala.

We all climbed into the car with me in the back seat. I smiled softly as Dean sang along with "You shook me all night long" by AC/DC and Sam stared out of the window with a far off look on his face. Mountain scenery danced by outside of the window as we drove. "Where are we going?" I question, not moving my eyes from the window. "We are going to the house of the parents of the son that went missing three days ago." Sam replied. "Alright." I said and then silence filled the car the rest of the drive. Sam and Dean were dressed in suites and ties, hair brushed back and faces clean, fully looking the part of F.B.I agents.

"Ok. Let's do this guys." I said, stepping out of the car and shutting the door behind me and walking up to the door of the middle class, log cabin style home. The boys followed behind me and stood at my sides when I rang the bell on the door. I heard the beat of heavy footsteps coming to the door. Then I heard the click of a latch sliding open and then watched the door creak open slowly to reveal a short plump woman with an apron tied around her middle and her fuzzy blonde hair tied up in a bun.

"Can I help you?" The woman inquired in a heavy German accent. "Yes ma'm" I began, pulling out my fake ID badge and showing it to her quickly before putting it back into my pocket. "I am detective inspector Gillian and these are my assistants, Bones and Matthews." I finished, gesturing to Dean and Sam in turn. The woman nodded and gave a small smile in turn and nodded for us to come inside. We stepped inside and each took a turn shaking her hand. After she introduced herself as Gretchen Heinz she had us all take a seat on the couch as she bustled about gathering cookies and other assortments of food.

"Mrs. Heinz would you tell-" I was interrupted in the middle of my sentence by a tsk tsk from Mrs. Heinz who insisted that we just call her Gretchen. "Ok... Gretchen Would you tell us what occurred the day that your son disappeared?" I asked gently. She swallowed and nodded before speaking. "It was a normal day. We had breakfast and Culten helped clean up around the house and then walked to his job at the restaurant down the road. He called me after dinner to tell me that he had a late shift and that he would be home around ten at night. I didn't worry at all because he has had the night shift multiple times before. I just went to bad around nine o'clock as I usually do." She said and sniffled loudly, pulling a handkerchief out of her apron and blowing her nose.

I nodded and gave her a moment to collect herself and slapped Dean's hand away from the plate as he reached for a sixth cookie. He frowned but leaned back and pulled his hand away from the plate of cookies. Sam grinned and shook his head, holding back a laugh. I rolled my eyes and then turned my attention back to Gretchen who had gotten control of herself and looked prepared to speak again. "Please continue ma'm." I nodded and offered an encouraging smile and she began to speak again.

"That morning I woke up and went to Culten's room to wake him up for breakfast but he was not there. I searched the house and then checked the shed not finding him anywhere. After I was done looking I called his phone and he did not pick up. I called the restaurant and asked about my son and the only information they had for me was that he left work around nine thirty and started to walk home. After that I called the police and they did a search and gave up on the disappearance." She finished with a frown. I nodded and me and the boys stood up and shook her hands again before walking to the door.

"Thank you for your time ma'm and we will be investigating Culten's disappearance until we have a confirmed answer on what happened to your son." I said she we stepped out of the door and onto her porch. "Thank you so much." She said in her German accent and waved to us as we got back into the Impala and drove down the road.

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