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~Sam's P.O.V~

'Oh god. Oh my god. Oh god.....' I stood in the front of the forest's opening, my hand was still outstretched, reaching in vain for something that was no longer there. My head was pounding.

'How could you let her slip away?!' I screamed at myself in my head. 'She looked so scared... You let it get her....' I screamed out in anger and punched a tree. I kept punching the tree until my knuckles began to bleed.

I slumped forward and leaned my head against the tree in anger and despair. I stood like that for a few moments and then I jerked my head away for the tree and started running back to the car.

'No way in hell am I just going to sit and do nothing. I have to find her. I have to save her.' The words 'save her' screamed in my head as I jumped into the Impala.

My hands shook a little as I drove and I kept my eyes fixed on the road. Once I got to the hotel I burst into the room that Dean was in.

He was one the computer. Watching porn. Of course. Instantly he closed the tab and gave me a sad attempt at an innocent face but at that moment I could have cared less.

Without a word I picked up any guns or any thinkable item that you could use to kill a Wendigo. I felt Dean's eyes on the back of my head as I packed.

"What are you doing...? Where is Ash....?" He questioned with a amused expression. "I'm going to go kill the sun of a bitch who took my Ash." I snarled dangerously.

He snorted. "My Ash?" he asked with a smirk. "Yes. My Ash. Mine. And the wendigo took her. Now are you going to help or not?!" I was practically screaming at him. "I'm coming!" He said and got to his feet, walking to the car.


~Dean's P.O.V~

I kept glancing over at Sam as I drove. He was nervous, shaking even. He looked like he was going to be sick. I kept silent during the drive even tough I wanted to sing along with Brick In The Wall it didn't seem like a good time.

As we got closer to the place that Ash was nabbed Sam got even more jumpy if that was even possible. Once we pulled to a stop he jumped out of the car before I could turn of the engine.

I popped the trunk and pulled out a few guns and a bottle of gasoline. Putting everything into the bag that Sam brought I followed him into the dark woods.

Sam walked with a silent determination on his face. His fists were clenched tightly on the gun. I wondered if he knew that guns don't work on Windigos but I decided not to mention it.

I paid close attention to the woods around us. At one point I pulled Sam over to look at claw marks in one of the trees. We figured we were headed in the right direction and pressed onwards.

Crickets chirped around us and the wind rustled the leaves of the aspen trees around us. The night sky shown bright with glittering stars and the forest was overall peaceful.

It felt like a long time before we stopped. Sam held out his hand to stop me and then put a finger to his lips, beckoning me to be silent. He pointed to a door with long ivy growing over the front of the door, claw marks covered the front of the rotting wood of the door.

"Let's kill this son of a bitch." I said with a grin and I kicked in the door

~Sam's P.O.V~

As we stepped inside it was not the dark that disturbed us the most... But the smell. The terrible smell of rotting flesh greeted us at the door. What a way to start this thing, eh?

I looked over at Dean who made a gagging face and pulled at the collar of his shirt as if he had a lack of oxygen. I rolled my eyes and walked forward slowly, waiting for my eyes to adjust to the dark.

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