Guardian Angel

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~Ash Speaking~

Ash Elliot Wilbur. What a name. So strange... And yet it rolls off of the tongue like warm honey. Sweet... Yet dangerous. And I guess that's the point. For the name to fit with the owner...

~Sammy's P.O.V~

Black spots danced across my eyelids and I groaned in pain as I battled for consciousness that in the back of my mind I knew was long overdue. The black spots began to fade and my fuzzy vision began to come clear. I felt my head against my chest as it was slumped over and I decided to keep it that way and act as though in was still knocked out. I felt ropes around my wrists and my middle and I tried to clear my head, wracking my brain to remember what had happened.

As I tried to mentally calm my pounding head I heard a soft noise over to my left. I caused my mind to go silent and I opened my ears, listening for another noise. After another moment of silence I heard another small noise. It sounded sweet... Like the voice had taken the form of a rose.... And it felt as though I could taste it on my lips. Like fresh honeysuckle dripped onto my tongue.

Slowly I lifted my head up to find the owner of the voice. The room was small and square and in the corner a few paces away from me sat a girl, tied to a chair. She was small and had a fragile frame, she was very skinny and frail and it looked like she had not eaten in a very long time. She looked at me with wide eyes of crystal ice dipped into a pool of fresh blue rainwater. She lips where a dusty rose color, her nose small and cute. Black bangs fell over her forehead down to her eyebrows and the rest of her raven wing hair fell over shoulders and down the back of her chair and to the center of her back. Her clothes were ripped in places and there were small cuts and bruises freckled over her body. One long fresh bleeding cut ran over her head above her left eyebrow and even though she looked small and fragile it looked like she had been putting up a fight against whatever the creature was.

She saw me looking at her and there was a flicker of hope in her blue eyes. She managed to give a smile with a wince hidden behind the mask of the rose lips.

"Nice to see that your alive." She said in a voice that was soft and gentle yet had a tinge of danger and fear laced in.

I smiled with half of my mouth and tried to make my voice clear of and pain or fear. "Yeah well it takes quite a bit to knock me out of the game." I chuckled slightly and began to search for something to cut the ropes around my wrists with.

"I can tell. It was especially scary when you were snoring in your sleep." She replied with a small laugh.

I chuckled and began to hope and scoot across the floor and over to a sharp-edged pipe hanging on the wall. Her eyes followed me as I moved but she stayed silent as I tried to cut the rope with the pipe. After a moment that seemed like years the rope snapped and I got one hand free and then began working on the other hand.

"I'm Sam by the way. Sam Winchester." I introduced myself as I worked on freeing my other hand.

"Ash. Ash Elliot Wilbur. And I know.... He told me...." She mumbled.

"Who told you?" I asked, looking up at her as I cut the other rope and struggled with untying the rope around my middle.

Her eyes became suddenly wide and filled with fear and she croaked out in a shaky voice as she looked straight forward.


I followed her gaze and my eyes landed on a tall figure, tall even though it was hunched over, the bones in its spine poking out of it's back, it's skin was pale and thin and clear as plastic, exposing it's insides. It's arms and legs were long and thin, with long sharp nails dragging along the ground and scratching against the concrete floor. Long pointed teeth poked out from between its gums and it's dead grey eyes watched Ash's every move.

She was taking short shallow breaths, her small body shaking with fear. I narrowed my eyes and backed into the shadows quietly tugging the pipe loose from the wall. The thing slinked around Ash, extending a sharp claw it dragged it across her cheek, drawing blood. I growled to myself as I watched her clamp her jaw shut in unshown pain.

I waited until it's back was turned and then I lunged at it, shoving the pipe through it's back and ramming it in so that it came out the other side. It's heart fell to the floor and blood poured out of the wound. I let go of the pipe and pushed the thing over, stepping over its dead body and moving quickly to untie Ash from the chair.

"You ok?" I questioned, pulling her to her feet.

She nodded and smiled in silent thanks.

I smiled back, glad that we were both ok. She stepped forward and tried to walk but one of her ankles was badly twisted so I put my arm around her to help support her. She leaned heavily against me as we both moved out of the small square room and into a large abandoned warehouse. We both looked around and the moved out of the warehouse and outside to a dusty 1967 black Chevy Impala.

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