Tentative Firsts

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Samantha surveyed the cargo hold, then tilted her head, "Cupcake and Slim, push those crates against that far wall, gently." She ordered. "Welcome to your new PT location." She smirked slightly sadistically at the muted groans. "What? You thought I would allow my marines to get soft on this flight, fat and flabby like those flyboys? No I think double workout tomorrow for doubting the ability of your illustrious leader."

A faint muted groan came then, "Yes Sir." Was called back by the squad.

"Good men." She paused and then re-surveyed the cargo hold. "Looks good. And since you lot were so well behaved, I'll let you have the rest of the evening off. We will reconvene here at zero eight hundred. I'm even letting you sleep in." She smirked at the faint cheers then saluted. "Fall out and take your ease gentleman." She waited as they left, then turned and walked back to her own bunk, deciding to put something on other than her standard uniform for tonight's meeting.

Just before six, Samantha stepped out of her bunk and started towards the state room Deklin was in, the dress swirling around her calves as she walked smoothly. She rapped on the door with her knuckles before taking a moment to adjust the top and tug the sweater into a better position. "Deklin? It's Samantha." She called softly.

"Come on in," his voice called back warmly.

Samantha stepped in smoothly, allowing the door to close behind her. "Good evening, I have managed to procure proper food for our feasting." She smiled at him with a slight impish grin to her lips. "Of course I also happen to have a very nice bottle of brandy, if you're interested." She gestured to the picnic basket on her other arm.

Deklin smiled at her, standing straight from the small cabin table he had just finished setting for them. "You, Second Lieutenant Samantha, are just full of surprises, aren't you. I have indeed been known to take some brandy from time to time when the situation called for it." He waved into the cabin, "Come in, sit down. I'll be with you in a moment. He walked over to the terminal and put it to sleep. As he did, Samantha noticed the small picture of the XO on the screen that looked very much like a dossier.

Samantha filed the information away then smirked slightly, "If you think this is surprising, you should see what I get up to in my off-time." She reached into the basket and pulled out the bottle first, setting it on the table, then pulled out a selection of meat, cheese, bread and fruit before placing them as well. "Mostly finger foods, but they travel well." She stated softly.

Deklin smiled at her, "They're perfect, much like the view." He glanced at her appreciatively, before pulling out a chair for her. As she sat, he scooted it in underneath before going around the table and sitting in the other chair. "As for your off-time activities being surprising, well... perhaps sometime we shall see if that is indeed so." He began deftly slicing and filling plates with food. When he had finished, he took the brandy, opened it, and poured two fingers for each of them, before replacing the cap and setting it back on the table.

Samantha smiled slightly in appreciation, then spoke as she unfolded a napkin and placed it across her lap. "I do wish to inform you of a few things. While I did invite you to dinner first, the meeting with the captain also included a request of engaging you and providing a manner of... assistance in the interference between yourself and his XO. I must admit I did not find his request displeasing." She grinned at him impishly, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Deklin smirked, "That's only because you haven't gotten a chance to know me yet. I'm a crusty old retired civilian who apparently still had at least one chip to be called in. I was busy flying and gardening." He took a sip of his brandy and hummed appreciatively. "This is really good."

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