Sparring Wager

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The two headed down to the cargo hold, her hand idly waving off the other marines. "So, when you beat my ass, can we at least make it look like you had to work for it." Samantha idly teased him.

As they walked into the cargo bay, he stopped and before replacing his helmet, murmured softly, "No one will ever be the wiser."

Samantha chuckled and pulled her own helmet on, "Comm Check." She called after she powered up, the two of them pretending not to notice the marines sneaking in under the mostly closed cargo bay door.

Deklin replied crisply "Pair of fives. How copy?" He began moving his body around the cargo bay loosening up and trying to figure out how to make this look good for the audience that was rapidly increasing.

Samantha flexed and started shifting, loosening up as she moved around the cargo bay as well. "Coming in clear, looks like we've got two pair, Sir." She responded teasingly. "What's my reward if I pull a magic act and win?"

"I'll be your slave for a day." Deklin replied, deadpan. "Good luck, Second Lieutenant. Your discipline lesson starts now." Through the visors she could see an almost hungry grin on his face as he dropped into a crouch.

Samantha wrinkled her nose, and crouched opposite, starting the age old pattern of circling, "Oh yeah? What do you want if you win?" She teased, slipping in close to feint at his side.

Twisting, he danced out of the way, "If I win, you are never going to get away from me. You become mine." She threw another faint that he easily avoided and continued circling.

Cupcake standing, slumped slightly in the corner watching the moves, murmured under his breath, "Holy Shit, civilian my ass." The guys next to him looked at him, then looked back at the two combatants before nodding in agreement.

Samantha, dropped a little lower, before she bull rushed him, at the last moment changing the punch to a leg sweep to knock his feet from under him, but he was no longer there and she felt a heavy blow to her side. "One." Deklin murmured tauntingly.

The two separated and went back to circling. Then, every bit as quickly as before, Samantha used her reach and grabbed at his arm to twist and lock it. Deklin quickly spun and, with a quick palm to her inner elbow freed himself and began circling again. Samantha quick stepped and followed moving around his motion blind spot. She darted in and again, almost impossibly fast, he grabbed her arm and stopped her cold. Quickly swinging her around he bent her over his leg and dropped her to the ground with a palm to the center of her chest. "Two."

Samantha went with the blow, her left leg coming up and she twisted, wrapping her legs around his neck and slamming the heel of her hand into his side. "One, and now you're pinned pretty boy."

On the bridge, Roc, having quickly recovered from his beating and being back on duty, watched the video screen to the cargo bay intently when he exclaimed. "Holy shit!"

The captain snapped his head around to look at Roc, "What was that?"

Roc slumped down in his chair slightly, an ashamed look on his face, "Nothing, sir." He said sheepishly.

The second officer stepped over to look at his screen, and tilted his head slightly, "She did go easy on you, I recognize that move from among my people. From that position she can flip him into the wall, or clench her thighs and twist to snap his neck, unless he extracts himself promptly and uses their combined mass to toss her."

As the pair watched, that was exactly what Deklin did, watching as she skidded to a stop five feet away. He took off his helmet and bent over slightly, his hands on his knees while still in a crouch, breathing heavily for the benefit of the onlookers. "Three," he gasped.

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