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Present day

I look to the man that sit's there everyday.

I smile and rip his receipt from the machine and get my favorite pen, writing a note.

"See you tomorrow!"

I was to him and hand him his americano, but I dropped my pen. I bent down to pick it up, but he did it for me.
I looked at him and smiled, he shown one in return, but it was a sad smile, his eyes were now gloomy and low. I just smile wider to ignore this familiar situation.
"Thank you." I say as I walk away.

I remember him walking in about a year ago, I remember him coming in back in 2010 but I wasn't even working here at the time. But about a year ago he walked in and stared dead at me, like he was shocked to see me.

I know I'm a tiny bit good looking but not enough to attract the same sex.

Love is weird.

I feel like I love him, or maybe just his presence, I see him everyday, and everyday I'm sure I'm gonna see him the next day.

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