16 | fake love

706 27 6

Present day

I sit down across from him, averting my gaze to the darkness outside.

I closed the shop so I could talk him.

He stared at me, even through the awkward silence he didn't break away.

"Why'd you do it?" I finally ask.

His lip quivers and he looks me in my eyes.

"Jungkook." He sobs and grabs my hands, putting his head down on the table.

"Please remember me. Please I'm begging you. I'm so lonely and miserable without you, my step dad doubts that you'll come back to me please remember me."

I don't know why, but I too started crying.

"Namjoon? You're saying this as if we've known each other before..."

His head shoots up at me, tears falling from both of us.

"Those walks on the beach. That time I pushed you in the pool and you pulled me in and we kissed for hours. That time you took me out on a surprise date and then we said the first I love you. When we met each other's family and you slept over at my house and we stayed up all night. Your laugh, your voice that sung me to sleep when I had a bad day, your smile that eases me. I need you again."

I scoffed and looked out the window.

Namjoon pulled his hands away. "I'm sorry."

"I can't believe it."

Namjoon stood up grabbing his things.

I stand up and look up at him.


He grabbed me, smashing his lips into mine.

The overwhelming nostalgia was soon replaced by pleasure cause later on he fucked me on the table and it was great.

But I'm Jeon Jungkook. I'm 37 now, and that's the story of my life.

I learned from Namjoon that love can be expressed through any way, shape, or form. I'm glad he taught me that.

I'm so grateful I met a man like him.

But I have some gray hair now, Joonie still thinks I'm beautiful.

I'm gonna go play overwatch while Namjoon gives me birthday head.


- final diary entry, september 1st, 2036
Jeon Jungkook

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