Chapter 3

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Hey guys sorry about the delay I had no idea of what the next chapter should be so I toke awhile to think of something IM sorry anyways enjoy my sweet sweet readers

Your POV

"You should really pay attention" said My friend Jake as he grab me right before I almost walked on the road "I'm sorry jake I was just thinking of something" I said "It ok but just pay more attention" said make "ok" I said

We both smiled at each other As we continued to walk to the park We heard by this time of the year the park should be beautiful and have a nice breeze so we decided to check it out

I wish error and C!ink could of joined me to bad they can't I shaked my head to get that out of my head "Hey y.n have you ever felt like you are being stalked" said Jake "Yes multiple times" I said

"Ok I felt like I was the only one" Said Jake "Nah" I said then I felt someone grab me I quickly turn around and hit the person cause of my instincts

"OW that not how you greet your future boyfriend hot stuff" said a tall male with yellow,blue and white clothing he had a smooth smile and relax smokey eyes which will make many girl go head over heels for him

But I'm not like them "Uh who may you be to think that" I said with sass "I'm Nick nice to meet you" he said holding out his hand Jake shook his hand and said "I'm Jake and this is Y.n I believe you should go along and go away"

I looked at Jake He seemed to not like the fact that This Nick guy was hitting on me Nick put his hand up in defiance "Whoa whoa there little raven I wont bite her" said Nick with a playfully smile

I see why Nick called Jake a little raven Jake has black hair and green eyes and he usually wears black and red clothes and he was a bit short "What did you call me you over sized Dog" said Jake angrily

"You heard me LITTLE RAVEN" said Nick Jake Immediately Punched Nick
Nick start to bleed "YOU LITTLE" Nick said as he started to fight Jake I try to stop the fight but got punched in the progress

I didn't care I don't want Jake to go to jail cause of me I manage to separate them "JAKE LET GO" I screamed Jake sigh and said "Ok let go im not going to jail cause of this Dog" We left

"sorry about the letting nick get the best of me" said Jake "It fine" I said


I arrived home I hid my nose cause If error and C!ink found out they would get worried and then freak out (Suuuurrreee they would) "What are you hiding kid" said error SHIT "nothing it just that the house stinks what have y'all guys been doing" I said


They looked at me and I realized that I kinda spilled the beans "Nose let us see" said error I shook my head "he said LET US SEE" yelled C!ink They never screamed at me before which scared me

"Ok ok just no freaking out" I said they nodded I uncovered my nose I then saw Both of there eyes Glow "W H O D I D T H I S" they both said
"A guy named Nick" I said "describe him" said error

I describe his features and colors C!ink was drawing it out "Like.....This" said C!ink As he showed me a photo that look EXACTLY LIKE HIM "y-yes That how he looks like" I said

Then error and C!ink looked at each other and nodded "We'll call the cops on him don't worry" said error I nodded and left

Error POV

This Fucker think he can hurt my little PUpPeT with out a Consequence Heh heh heh he wrong I-I mean WE WILL GET OUR REVENGE " Hey C!ink are you thinking what I'm thinking" I said "that we should get our revenge" said c!ink

I nodded "Then yes" he said we both Grin "Good but how can we if Y.n won't let us leave"  i said "There something called sneaking out" said c!ink "Oh yea I forgot that" i said

We both started to make some plans We can't kill him immediately Because then it will be easily noticed "What is I erase him from existence" said C!ink "No Everyone will catch on that" I said

"What if we torture him slowly by slowly making him soon want to kill him self So it seems he committed suicide" I said We smiled and this plan it was perfect

Y.n will believe that he actually killed him self as we HAD nothing to do with it "Don't worry y.n Bad things happen to BAD people" I said smiling with C!ink "Oh he WILL pay for what he has done" said C!ink

-NIGHT TIME  12:45 Am Plan xx Active-

As we saw that Y.n was Asleep we sneak out of the house "So where does this BASTURD live" said c!ink "Let me look at the picture" I said He give me the photo I've seen this guy pass Xxx Leaver street once before with the camera Installed

"Follow me" I said As I went to the direction I saw him go once before it was a good idea I put a camera in her earing We stopped at a White and blue house

This must be the place We check the windows And there he was with Multipe girls So he a player we should of seen that coming We sneaked inside I start to hack the lights They started to flick

And C!ink Slowly walked to them Smiling The boy and the girls were screaming in fear We both were Chuckling at this To make matter better C!ink said "For 10 day you will get bad luck if you don't heave my warning  say away from the girl you met or you will End up died" we both teleported away laughing

Phase one of the plan

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