Chapter 2

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Your POV

It been 2 weeks since error stayed he perfectly fine now but he said he might stay longer cause someone is after him so I decided sure why not

Now that we are roommate he has been a little less lazy he help a bit around the house we go to where we meet when we are mad or sad

Or I hide him there when I get visitor "so kid we known each other for a while and I want to say" he said I looked at him "can we get better soda" said error

I laughed at this outcome "sure" I said

C!ink POV

I have been searching for error I haven't seen him after are little fight "C!ink STOP TOTURING THESE POOR PEOPLE" said ink "I will if you tell me something" I said

"And what is it" said ink "has error destroyed any AU" I asked "No that strange of him" said ink "maybe ask nightmare" ink said "fine" I said

I went to nightmares castle I went to the throne room and saw nightmare "hello nightmare is error here or was he here" I asked "No he has been gone for 2 weeks no one know where he is"

I nodded and left where could he be that no one knows where he is then it snapped me "THE UN TOUCHED AU" I laugh " he really is smart but not smart enough"

How am I going to get there only ink.error,NM, and Dream know how to get there I forgot how "NIGHTMARE I NEED YOU" I YELLED he appeared "what do you want" he said

"can you help me go in a nightmare of a random kid" I asked "if you want to escape the nightmare then I will leave you at that Au" he said "fine" I said

-time skip to the night time"-

Nm let me chose a dream I walk around and saw this girl who caught my eyes she was SO BEAUTIFUL "This one" I said "ok" he said as he snapped his finger

we were in her dream nm seemed disgusted "well when she wakes up I made it possible for you to go to her locates" said nm as he left

I walked around and see she was happy she made me feel with out my fake soul and vial she the first human I.....LOVE I can't let no one take her

NO ONE wait if ink find out he'll like her to since we are the same i have to stay with her SHE MINE AND MINE ONLY  she saw me

She waved "hello I'm y,n ohh you don't look good since it my dream I'll help you" she said as she snapped her fingers and I looked normal again

She smiled "there better anyways who are you" she asked "oh I'm corr-ink I'm ink yea ink" I said she also fix my voice I can't believe it she is MY ANGEL NOW

"Oh well hello ink you know what's funny" she said "and what is it" I asked "you look like my friend error" she said when I  heard error name I snapped

Error was trying to take my angel "oh that.....funny" I said with a sadistic smile "are you sure you don't look happy" she asked "Look kid error isn't a nice person he kill people" I said

"It's his job kid he might kill you" I said she frown "but he has been nice to me even though he almost killed me once" she said I frown with her

"Don't worry when you wake up I will be with you and help you" I said she weakly smiled "ok" she said we talked and I explain to her how we are enemies

After a while she was waking up I smiled and soon we were at her house she yawn and saw me "you are really here oh well you look different" she said

"And I also sound different kid" I said error came in and dropped..,

Error POV

I like the kid I do but I'm not sure so I decided to make them breakfast I went to her room and saw C!INK WITH Y.N I dropped her breakfast

"ERROR" said c!ink "C!INK" I said we had a stare down "no fighting guys" said y.n "why did you let him here he evil" I said "no you're evil I'm good" lied c!ink

"Please guys y'all can't start anything I'll decided if y'all are evil or not ok" she said "Fine" I said "fine" said ink we both were still giving death glares to each other

She hit both our head "OW" we said "Stop" she said we both groaned she then smiled and said "good" we all walk to the kitchen she went to make us food

"So error this is were you have been hiding here haven't you" said c!ink "yes so what" I said waiting for a insult "I don't judge you I want to stay too" he said "well at least I don-wait really" I said

"YEA there something in me who want to protect this kid and I mean in any way" she said as  his face darked "same here" I said " so we both have something in common" we said

"LoOk let's make a deal we both share and help each other with keeping her safe" I said he thought for a while and nodded "deal" I said "deal" said c!ink 

We shaked hands then she came in "looks like y'all made up" she said with her pretty smile we both nodded and smiled at her

She wouldn't  know how much we love her and we hope she loves us back cause if not then we will have to force her and we don't want that do we

she gave us the food as said "eat up" we ate "you can cook great" said c!ink

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