Chapter 3

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Betty's eyes slowly opened just to clench back shut as a hiss of pain escaped her lips as the mornings rays of sun shown through the unfamiliar curtains across the room.

Still having her eyes closed the blonde's eyebrows furrowed into a frown, this wasn't her room. She felt warmer then she normally did, the bed felt different, not bad, just not like normal. Plus the fact that she felt someone's arm draped over her naked torso.

Wait...naked torso?

Betty's eyes snapped open, ignoring the stinging pain as her eyes ajusted, she ripped the duvet off of her body, just to squeak and cover her, COMPLETELY, naked body back up.

Turning around, onto her side so she could face the stranger, the blonde squint her eyes as an on slaughter of memories hit her all at once.

"Sweet Pea" although the blonde only said his name in a hushed whisper, the sleeping man/teenage boy scrunched his face up, just to bury it further into the messed up duvet and pillows, a content sigh escaping him as he drifted off back into dream land.

Resisting the urge to pull her right arm back under the covers as she reached out behind her, the blonde felt about on the desk next to the bed feeling for her phone, his phone, she doesn't care, she just needs to know the time.

Finally feeling the cool screen of a phone the blonde stretched one last time so she was able to pick up the phone.

Noticing, but not caring, that it was her phone the blonde clicked the on button, just to draw back into the pillows with her eyes shut tightly. 'Why the hell do I have my phone brightness up so much?'

Inwardly cursing her past self for having her brightness up so high, Betty squinted, trying to read the time. 10:52 AM, thank god it's a Saturday, and thank whoever God's god is that she left a note on her bed for her mom saying she went to Toni's early this morning.

Dropping her now off phone onto the bed, Betty, with droopy eyes, rolled over and snuggled down under the duvet looking for warmth.

Opening her eyes, not wanting to fall asleep, the blonde started having an internal argument with herself. Weighing the pros and cons the green eyed girl finally decided to just fall asleep.

"Oh fuck it" whispering those final words the blonde was enveloped by darkness, dream land taking over her already half asleep mind.


Sweet Pea awoke to his head falling off of hid bed with drool coming out of his mouth- how lovely. The serpents boy bolted up in a sitting position, wiping the drool with a distasteful look on his face; looking to the side he was startled to see a blonde haired girl sleeping in his bed. Titling his head to the side  a bit to try and get a look at the persons face wasn't enough to see who it was, leaning over the girl slightly he nearly saw the mysterious girls face. But, unfortunately he was startled into falling of the bed and onto the floor- narrowly missing his nightstand.

"Jheez, I only said it's rude to stare" Betty said as she peered down at the boy who'd fallen on the floor when she spoke.

"Betty? As in Betty Cooper? As in Jughead's fucking girlfriend?" Speaking with a frown and a harsh voice Sweet Pea stood up, remembering what happened last night at the moment just made him angrier, she cheated on his boss' son with him, and Jughead was kinda a friend.

Betty's own frown made its way onto her face, but it was more sad then annoyed, why, oh god why did he have to bring up Jughead? "No, we broke up."
Suddenly Sweet Pea felt very awkward and felt he should apologise for how he aced but always could manage was a pitiful, "Oh. Um, sorry about that...I guess".

Betty shook her head, muttering a quiet 'its fine' as she climbed out of bed, making a scramble for her clothes.

Sweet Pea just stood awkwardly as he didn't know what to do, sure he'd had his fair share of hook ups before, but because of how he reacted about it being Betty made it a awkward and alot of tension.

The blonde, with her dress on, tried to look for the pants she wore last night but after a few minutes she decided to forget about them. Sliding her phone into the side of her dress, at the side of her boobs, Betty swiftly picked up her small bag and heels before hastily walking out of the bedroom.

Getting to the top of the stairs she noticed the front door, making her way into a very fast walk, the blonde reached the door in no time, just as she was about to step out of the house a amused voice came from behind her.

"Bye" cringing at being caught fleeing, Betty didn't even bother saying anything back, practically throwing open the door and walked out, closing the door behind her.


Long time no see👋 I know if you saw a comment on my last chapter I said I'd try to have it out for Wednesday, but weeks have passed I'm sorry.

I did start writing so I could get it out then but I got half way through and didn't know what else to write.

It's 1:51 pm where I live and I've been writing ever since I woke up which was 11 something (yes I know that's late but I was watching merlin till 5am so don't judge)

Anyways that's enough of me rambling, I hope you liked this chapter! Tell me what you think in the comments.

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