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Normal speech: "Hello"
Action during speech: *standing up*
Yelling: "HELLO"


I was skipping through a forest eating a Congo bar I baked but then I hear an explosion surprising me I almost dropped my bar but I held on to it I then also hear gunfire it sorta sounded like Atlas knights fighting grim I was just going to move along as I didn't think anything would happen but I heard someone among the knights and he sounded hurt so I rushed over and took out my battle axe Lita and axed down a Beowulf I see a few people near a downed bullhead only one of them uninjured there were three people a black haired male a white haired male and a blonde woman I placed my bar into my mouth and took out my revolver Aita and shot a Beowulf hitting the one behind it as well.
Blonde: "Who in the world are you?!"
I looked at her with a really face as I couldn't talk with a bar in my mouth I placed Azure back into its holster and held Lita with both hands and jumped at a Beowulf slicing it in half then bashed another one with the side of my axe I see a Beowulf's claw swipe at my face I put up my aura and it hits me and I fly backwards hitting a tree my Congo bar also fly's out of my mouth and a Beowulf steps on it while they were circling me.
Ash: "HOW DARE YOU!!!"

Ozpin POV

The bullhead we were in crashed due to engine problems Qrow and Glynda weren't happy me and Qrow got hurt in the crash a few knights were with us started fighting Beowulf's but most of them got defeated vary quickly then a teen showed up and started fighting them with a bar in his mouth but after it got knocked out of his mouth what was it crap hit the fan his hair and tail with his weapons turned blood red then he started using his axe and hand cannon at the same time.
Qrow: "Is that kid okay?"
Ozpin: "No thats his semblance I'm guessing."
There was about twenty Beowulf's in front of him he grew a devilish smirk and slowly walked to the Beowulf's dragging his axe through the dirt a Beowulf charged at him he raised up his gun and shot the Beowulf hitting another two with the bullet after he then leaped into the hoard and spin his axe hitting seven cutting them in half he then shot four more Beowulf's with his gun he then holstered it I assumed he ran out of ammo and held his axe with both hands he hit a Beowulf with the side of his axe on top of its head then drop kicked two other Beowulf's both of them hit another one he then stuck his axe into the ground and spun around it kicking the rest of the Beowulf's only one was left alive but it was missing its legs it was trying to crawl away he slowly approached it dragging his axe the Beowulf turned around to see an axe hit its face cutting it in half.


After my bloody berserker ran out I regain control of my body and head over to the huntsman and huntress they seemed to tense up probably because of my berserker state I get out some Congo bars and give it to them they seemed to ease up afterwards.
White hair: "So what brings a kid like you out here?"
Ash: "I uh lost my home and have been wondering around for quite some time."
Blonde: "Oh that's horrible."
Black: "Dang kid and I thought I had bad luck."
White: "Well I'm Ozpin the blonde is Glynda and he is Qrow it's nice to meet you kid."
Ash: "I'm no kid I'm fifteen."
There jaws semi dropped my tail dropped because I was certain they wouldn't believe me like everyone else and tell me to tell them the truth or ask where my parents were.
Ozpin: "Alright then would you like to come to Beacon?"
Ash: "What's Beacon?"
I tilted my head while asking the question.
Qrow: "How do you not know what Beacon is?"
Ash: "I just haven't okay!"
I crossed my arms and looked away from him.
Ozpin: "It's a school to teach you how to hunt grim and it will help you learn other things that will help you."
Ash: "Will I get somewhere to live and bake?"
Ozpin: "If you are able to get in yes but from what I've seen you should be fine."
Ash: "YAY I'm just going to go back and grab the rest of my stuff then I'll be back."
Before they could say anything I left after I got all of my stuff I came back to see them with another bullhead I got on and they took me to Beacon.

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