Chapter 8

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Normal speech: "Hello"
Action during speech: *standing up*
Yelling: "HELLO"
Thought: 'Hello' 

Third person POV

In a massive floating arena in the sky a field of ice and rocky mountains two teams are fighting in the middle of the arena a phoenix fly's past hitting a male with black hair Ash appears in front of this male and hits him with the flat of his axe sending the male flying out of the field hitting a wall. Ash placed his hand over his eyes and said whoa most of the girls in the arena watching squealed at the adorable Ash.

Oobleck: "Yes while the leader of BAGC is adorable which I was told to say by some females *cough cough* the amount of power he has is immense!"
Port: "Indeed most who will fight him will not be able to overpower him."

Gray pops up from the shadows behind a girl with half yellow hair and half red he swings the flat side of his blade at the girls waist sending her into a bolder somewhat implanting her into the bolder. She forced her way out and took a swing at Gray who dodged then with a dark aura surrounding his fist he punched her into the ground making her aura go into the red knocking her out of the battle.

Oobleck: "With Gray here the team also can travel through shadow his attack power is massive as well!"
Port: "He as also had to restrict himself to the flat side of his blade as he was able to cut a botertusk in half with his sword."

A female with long blue hair most of it tucked into the back of her shirt was walking around carefully looking around her when a sniper sounded she moved her head as the bullet grazed her making the big bolder behind her shatter. The parts of the bolder rained down on the woman causing many sharp parts to scratch her bring her aura down to the yellow she looks up to see a flash then a shot is fired hitting her in the chest causing her to go flying back into a different bolder at the top of a bolder Beryl places her sniper on her shoulder and blows some hair out of her face.

Oobleck: "And with the sniper Beryl watching their backs the team has protection from all sides!"
Port: "Her aim is masterful and unless she wants you too you'll never see her."

The last unfortunate member of the other team a girl with brown hair was facing off against Crystal the girl had a broad sword and was swinging it at Crystal but never hit her as she dodged every sword strike. At every dodge Crystal hit back with a stab from her sais getting the woman down to the yellow she panicked and did an overhead swing Crystal dodged by spinning around the girl and while her sword was stuck in the ground she pointed a sai turned Desert Eagle and shot the girl in the back taking out the rest of her aura.

Oobleck: "And with the agility of Crystal the team takes the victory!"
Port: "An impressive display no doubt but the next team from Beacon is known to be at least on the same level as BAGC next fight team PASA is coming to the field!"

The after mentioned team walks unto the blank field as their opponents arrived on the field but all of that teams members looked the same?

Azure: "All right what's going on here?"
Leader of them? "What's wrong?"
Other one: "Scared that we all look the same?"
Asuna: "Oh dear they even sound the same."
Periwinkle: "What's it mater all we have do is kick the same person's butt four times right?"

Each girl then takes out a different weapon a sword, a lance, a staff, and a massive battle hammer. 

Azure: "Anyone else getting Ash vibes from the one with a hammer?"
Silver: "I'd be crazy to say otherwise."

A roulette like well pops up and starts spinning one appearing above each platform for the arena the wheel stops deciding on two terrains one being a water one the other being a lava zone the two said areas rise up from under the platform and both teams get ready to fight. A buzzer went off signaling that the fight has begun the two teams charged at each other and clashed weapons. Azure and the leader of the other team both wielding swords started their fight hitting the others sword at very fast speeds most watching only saw blurs from the two. Azure started getting the upper hand using his water to help him speed up but the girl also started speeding up. Azure unsure of how she was speeding up decided to end the fight quickly purposely leaving an opening his sword is knocked out of his hand as the girl leaves her self open for the finishing blow on Azure he used his fist with horns and punched her in the gut. This knocked her aura into the yellow almost into the red she looks up to see a ball of water hit her putting her aura into the red. Periwinkle decided to fight the one with a lance her mace clashed on top of the lance onto the lance casing the ground to crumble and sparks to fly. Periwinkle used some wind to lift the girl up then spun and hit her side with her mace sending the girl flying and hitting the pirate ship that the water zone had in it the girl got up to get hit by a bunch of wood hitting her from the ship falling apart. Silver fought the one with the hammer taking his sword he slammed it down on the girl she blocked of course but then Silver used electricity and had it course through her body with smoke coming off her body she falls to the ground. Asuna takes on the last one with her rapier the girl starts swinging her staff like a propeller and charges at Asuna but Asuna hits her hand onto the ground causing a large sound to go off sounding a lot like thunder causing the staff girl to cover her ears using this opening to her advantage she charges at the girl her weapon coated in her aura causing it to become a pinkish color then doing an eleven hit combo knocks her out of the match making PASA the winning team.

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