Pretty little Psycho (Yandere! Nagito X Shy! Hajime) part 2

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No one's pov
Hajime entered his house with no one to greet him as usual. He did a small sigh, wishing he wasn't the only one living here. Hajime went upstairs to his bedroom and once he opened the door, he noticed that his window was open. 'Strange... I thought I closed that window.. Oh well, I guess I was delusional' he went back to the window and closed it and used his curtains to cover the little window. Hajime then went inside his bathroom to wash up and get ready for the night.

Nagito's Pov
Oh my... That was close, he could've caught me right there and then. Right now I was hiding under Hinata's bed, praying for him to leave the room. Luckily for me being the Ultimate lucky student he did as a wish and went inside the bathroom. He usual takes about 30 minutes in total in there so that gives me plenty of time to take some of his things. I went inside his closet and took one of his shirts doing a small sniff test. 'Yep, perfect just like Hinata-Kun's scent' my eyes started to become slightly clouded of thoughts of him and me on his bed, and I could do whatever I want with him and his body.. Oh! No time for daydreaming now, I still need to gather some things before he leaves that shower. I grabbed a couple of other things and last his boxers, my favorite thing to keep. I heard the shower Water stop and I realized it was my cue to leave. I opened the window once again and went outside making sure to close the blinds from outside, then the window its self. And like that I climbed down the little ladder and ran back to my house with his stuff.

Hajime's pov
I opened my bathroom door to see that everything was normal, as always. I went inside my closest looking for my shirt realizing it wasn't in there, 'hmm, that's werid, oh well I guess I'll check tomorrow' I just grabbed a random t-shirt and went inside my drawer to get a pair of underwear. I then also realized one of them was gone, 'okay, now that's werid.. I know I put it in here' I was starting to get a little scared and decided to shake it off and just grab a random pair. Putting on my clothes I went into the bed snuggling in the sheets. I closed my eyes many times but i couldn't even sleep, I just groaned and grabbed my phone and decided to text Nagito.
Hajime Hinata: hey Nagito, you there?

The reply I got was almost instant

Nagito-Kun: yeah I'm here Hinata-Kun, what's wrong? Shouldn't you be asleep.

I couldn't see it, but I swore he was wearing one of his smug faces that I hated.

Hajime Hinata: Maybe I should, who are you to tell me when and when to not go to bed.

Nagito-Kun: well because I care for Hinata-Kun and I wanna make sure Hinata-Kun is well rested and healthy!

Hajime Hinata: well no point in caring, I can't sleep at the moment anyway.

Nagito-Kun: aww! Want me to tell you a bedtime story and help you sleep~

God how much I hate his teasing, and how much I also hate how much hot my face gets when he teases me.

Hajime Hinata: Shut up! I didn't ask for that... I was gonna ask for you and me to call and we can just talk until I fall asleep

Hajime Hinata: but nevermind! I changed my mind and I will just turn to Chiaki instead.

Nagito-Kun: No! No! Noooo! I'm sorry for teasing, don't leave.

I smiled a little as i looked over the message. I knew how much he hated that I relied on Nanami more than I do on him. Saying, 'I should also be able to help! She's not the only one reliable!' That was so, cute he couldn't lie on that part.

Hajime Hinata: okay then.

We both started to call eachother and talked all night until I fell asleep, and I did a small smile when I heard him say, 'GoodNight, Hajime-Kun~' and with that he left the call leaving me to enjoy and have a nice sleep. For once I slept like a baby.

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