Convincing My Parents

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I don't even know what to say they think I'm lying? I do know that I need to prove to them that it really happened. Oh! The phone number!

Me: "guys wait! He gave me his number I can text him and prove it to you!"

My cousin: "if you seriously did you know you would be obligated to give it to me right😂"

Me: "guys I'm serious! Trust me I'm telling the truth! I can text him but he is probably busy he had to go finish meet and greets!"

My mom: "if that really did happen congratulations but that's way too crazy to be true! But if it is true yes you would be aloud to hang out with him"

Me: "thanks mom! And it IS true"

~~next day~~

Me: "Oh my gosh! Austin just texted me mom! Look it's proof!"

My mom: "okay okay hold on I'm doing laundry"

(I walk back to my room and start texting Austin.

Austin: "hey how are you?"

Me: "hi! And great but still a little whipped about the fact that I really actually truly met you😂"

Austin: "haha well it's true!"

Me: " lol tell my family that! I told them and they laughed!"

Austin: "I can call you and talk to the on the phone?"

Me: "wow really? Okay! Thanks!"

~~Austin calls I pick up and I bring the phone to my mom and have my dad and brother come down too~

Me: "they can hear you your on speaker"

Austin: "okay! Hi Kate's family this is Austin Mahone haha Kate told me you guys didn't think that she really did meet me but she did it's true! I just wanted to clear things up!"

Dead silence...

Austin: "hello"

Me: "yeah we're here"

My mom: "wow I'm so sorry I didn't believe you!"

My dad and brother: "same Kate"

Me: "it's okay haha I just wanted you to know I'm not crazy"

Me: "okay Austin I'll text you bye!"

Austin: "okay bye!"

~~2 min later I text him he doesn't respond~~

I wonder why he isn't responding... That's weird?

~~1 hour later~~

Austin is calling me!

Me: "hey I was worried sick about you I didn't know if something happened haha!"

Austin's manager: "this isn't Austin this is his manager, but Austin was in a small car crash don't freak out though he is alright just bruises and scrapes."

Me: "oh my gosh! Can I see him?"

Austin's manager: "yes you can he is in a hospital being checked still he is at ~~~~~~~ hospital."

Me: "okay thanks I'll be right over!"

~~I have my mom drive me and 30 min later we get there~~

I go up to his room and I see him he looks really tired

Me: "hey are you okay?"

Austin: "yeah just a little beat up and oh I guess this is Kate's sister?"

My mom: "haha how sweet are you but no I'm her mother"

Austin: "my bad! But it's still a pleasure to meet you!"

The doctor comes in and says that we should let him get some rest. We leave and just wait in the waiting room. The doctor comes out and says we found that Austin actually has a broken rib....

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