great singer | 14

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I'll edit this boujee chapter later
Chapter 14:
Great singer

"This love is tearing me apart"
-Little Mix (Lightening)

Both boys sat quietly in Jonah's vehicle, the only sound being emitted in such confined space was the radio. Corbyn kept his attention out the window, admiring the way every living thing past by like a blur. Street lights started to cut on as the night started to approach quickly. Corbyn had no idea where the two were going, but he didn't choose to complain. He enjoyed Jonah's company whether he wanted to admit it or not. And was clear that the older felt the same. If not, he wouldn't have actually let Corbyn be his little assistant. What the two had between each other was a lot deeper than they thought. It wouldn't work out though. Corbyn had Daniel. And unless Daniel randomly chose to break up with him, the two boys didn't have a chance.

The feeling of no longer moving overcame Corbyn, snapping him from whatever trance he was in. He shook his head, taking a glance at Jonah who was already staring at him. The older grinned. Corbyn looked back out the window to see the two were back at the small diner. It raised the younger's suspicion.

"What are we doing here?" Corbyn wondered.

"Thought we could grab a bite to eat before I took you home" Jonah shrugged. And without another word, the two removed themselves from their seats and out of the car completely.

When walking closer to the diner, the lights on the building had shines brighter than before. Music was blasting incredibly and cheers could be heard. It seemed like a party was happening more than a small sit down and eat. Jonah had to tug on Corbyn's wrist to get him to move. The faux blonde.was completely dazed as everything was moving a little too fast. Before he even knew it, he was standing inside the diner and looking around. It was still decorated the same, the lights were just dimmed and small colorful lights had been shining against the four walls. Then off to the side was a small set up of a stage. There were two large speakers and a microphone, while a singular white light shined down above.

"Karoke night. It's funny" Jonah clarified for the other. Corbyn simply nodded. The two then sat down at an empty table and waited patiently for someone to come over. "You sing, blondie?"

Corbyn almost choked.

"Me? Sing? No!" Corbyn replied as a red tint coated his cheeks. Jonah raised a brow as he smirked.

"That's too bad. I was gonna ask you to join me on stage."

Corbyn was in shock.

"You sing?"

"A little. I only really do it in my shower, but why not try it here?" Jonah answered confidently. "So what you say Besson? Wanna join me?" Corbyn seemed a little hesitant. He glanced from Jonah to the small stage that many people were already looking at. Someone had already sung and got a small applause because their singing wasn't all that great.

"S-Sure" the faux blonde nodded. Jonah gave a small smile. He stood to his feet forcing Corbyn to trail his stare. And it wasn't long before Corbyn was being pulled up from his seat. Jonah was dragging him towards the empty stage. People began to look. "Actually Jonah. I-I don't know if-"

"Too late" Jonah winked. Corbyn swallowed the lump in his throat as music started to fill his ears. He perked as a familiar sound was heard. He knew the song. He would hum along to it all the time. "Hopefully you know the lyrics, Besson."


Both teenage boys sat in the car, silence consuming them as this is the part where they go separate ways. Corbyn stared out of his window and at the building he lived in. A few lights were on, allowing Corbyn to assume that his family was still awake. He eventually sighed, reaching down to release himself from the restraints of his seatbelt. And when he opened the door, he stopped to look at Jonah who was looking out his own side window. His fingers tapped anxiously on the steering wheel, his bottom lip inbetween his teeth as he bit chewed on it lightly. Corbyn could see his tense state.

"Thanks Jonah. For tonight" Corbyn said gently while a grin tugged at his lips. The older whipped his head around to see the other staring intensely. The nightly wind was slightly moving his bleached hair the slightest, while the street lights seemed to make his features glow. Jonah has never seen Corbyn look so stunning.

Jonah even flicked his gaze to Corbyn's thin pink lips. His stomach turned as he sighed before looking right back into his blue-green eyes.

"No problem" Jonah grinned. "You're a great singer by the way. You totally blew the crowd away."

Corbyn nodded with a small giggle.

"You're not too bad yourself."

There was that silence again. Or that was until Corbyn took a shaky breath in before leaning forward and planting a gentle peck against
Jonah's cheek. The older could feel his breathing hitch.

"See ya' later" Corbyn whispered before leaving completely. Jonah watched him skip towards his front porch and easily unlock the door. And when Corbyn gave one last smile towards the older, he then slipped inside his home. Jonah slammed his hands down on the steering wheel in irritation.


This seems short...because it is. Sorry. My mind is somewhere else these days. But I promise I'll get updates out soon. Just give me time.


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