Chapter 18

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For the next couple of weeks, Jisung and I would go to the bridge during lunch. Sometimes he would be drawing in his little book and the other times he would crack jokes and do funny little performances to the music that was playing.

Today he was doing one of his performances. He ended it with a little spin and dramatic pose. We were both laughing by the time he was finished.

"So when will it be your turn to do a dance?"

"Wait me?" I pointed at myself.

"Yeah you. Who else would I be talking to?"

"I think I'll leave those to you."

"Aw. Please? Just one?" He looked at me with a cute pout on his face.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes. He's lucky he's cute or else I would've punched him for giving me that face. Plus he's an idol so I would have gotten in trouble and bashed.

"Yes! What song will you be dancing to?"

"It's a surprise."

I turned on Go Crazy by 2PM. If I'm going to get funky and weird, I might as well pick an appropriate song.

I started laughing a couple seconds in. God this is embarrassing.

"What do I do?"


I decided to be the idiot that I am and just do some random dance moves. As I was doing the dances, Jisung was laughing. After the chorus, I sat back down, burying my face into my knees.

"I cannot believe I just did that."


"I looked like an idiot."

"You looked cute."

My face turned hotter than it was before. I actually wanted a hole to appear and swallow me up. My head was lifted up by two fingers, then was cupped by Jisung's hands.

"I promise. Even if you think you look like an idiot, you're cute."


"You're welcome," he said with his big gummy grin. He then gave me a peck on my forehead, which I didn't expect. "Your face is turning red again."

"Thanks for stating the obvious Sherlock," I said with as much sarcasm as I could muster.


🎶(The pretty girls are here
Oh baby come on)
I'm good, I'm hot I'm fresh, I'm fly
(Come on over boy)🎶

"Good job! I'm so proud!" Kymberlyn faked wiping tears.

Lilly beamed. "Thanks."

Just then someone knocked on the door. Everyone looked towards the door as Tiesha answered it. Felix and Chan were standing there. Alissa gave Felix a little wave and he winked at her.

I fake gagged and Alissa smacked me. I rubbed my arm, trying to numb the stinging.

"Hey Chey, do you mind if we have a word with you."

Chan was acting really serious. I felt like I did something wrong. I slowly shook my head and followed them out into the hallway.

"I swear it wasn't me," I said as soon as I closed the door behind me.

"Huh?" Both Chan and Felix gave me complexed looks.

An American Idol? (A Han Jisung fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now