Only Just Started (Colin Shea/What's Your Number?) Part 1

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Dedicated to: @slytherin_queen12
Third Person's P.O.V.

"Now that you helped me find my true love I'm gonna help you find yours," Ally said to Colin, her neighbour.

You see Colin helped Ally track down all her exes and she found Jake Adams the guy she was meant to be with.

"It's fine Ally you don't have to do this. I won't be sleeping around anymore and I think it's good for me to just take it easy for a while," he said.

"Well, too late cause I invited my friend Stacy over and she is single. So you are randomly gonna show up for something and you two will talk and later you'll invite her to your place and you're gonna have sex," she stated.

"What?" He asked her confused by the situation.

"But then you're not gonna leave her in the morning and you're gonna call her when she leaves," Ally added.

"Really Ally?" he asked her.

"Yes now go back to your apartment and I'll give you the go ahead," she said pushing him out the door.

He sighed when she closed the door on him. He then just walked back over to his apartment and went in.

He stood in the middle of the room pondering on what to do in the mean time. He looked at the bathroom and the bed.

He could take a shower our he could take a nap. But of course he chose the nap. Cause you know rest is more important than hi-gene.

A few hours later he woke up to the sound of his phone. Groaning he picked it up. It was a text from Ally.

Ally: it's time

Colin: k

He sighed getting up and looking at himself in the mirror. He was wearing his usually attire which consists of convers, jeans and a shirt that read "L🎸CK ME".

"I should probably change my shirt," he said to himself.

He walked over to the pile of clothes he had on the floor and started smelling each t-shirt to see if they were clean.

"Eh," he grunted, in his definition the shirt he had wasn't clean but wasn't repelling either.

Once he arrived at Ally's place, ten steps away, he opened the door to find Ally sitting on the couch with another girl, she was gorgeous. She had long silky hair and beautiful eyes. They both turned their head at the same time to see him in the doorway.

"Um hi, can I hide here?" he pretty much blurted out.

Ally walked over to him and closed the door while death staring him.

"What are you hiding from?" The blonde's friend asked.

"Uh well you see the building manager is showing a building downstairs and I forgot to pay my bill," he lied.

"Totally me," she said causing everyone to laugh.

"Oh my god!" Ally exclaimed over dramatically and out of nowhere. She would definitely be a terrible actress.

"Whats the matter?" Stacy asked unconvinced.

"My sister! I had to help her with her baby!" Ally continued as she frantically grabbed her things, "you guys are welcome to stay and chat."

And with that Ally was gone. She was most likely going to Jake's house for some' fun'.

"This was set up wasn't in?" Stacy asked looking up a Colin.

"Yup," he said sitting down on the couch next to her. He handed her a beer which she gladly took as he opened his own. He had kind of raided Ally's fridge while she made her commotion, " She's been trying to set me up with someone and I agreed."

"God! Typical Ally for years she's been just poking at me about this. It's like she won't breath until I finally get into a relationship!" She yelled as she started chugging the beer.

"Calm down there tiger," Colin chuckled taking the beer away from the pretty girl next to him, "no need to turn into an alcoholic."

"You know what screw it, Ally wants me to start dating than I will," she said confidently.

"Cheers," Colin said while swallowing some of his beer, he wasn't really even paying attention to what she said. He was to busy thinking about what his band would play at their next gig.

She turned to him and took in his features as he looked into the distance. He had gorgeous blue eyes, messy brown hair and a bit off a stubble which turned her on quite a bit. And don't get me started on his physique, he was very very well built. His shirt was bursting from all the muscles he hand under it. Once her eyes landed on his crotch she was feeling all funny inside.

Colin soon looked up when he noticed her gaze. He gave her a questioning look, she answered by grabbing his face and pressing their lips together.

The night had only just started...


Comment if you want a smutty part 2!


Requests are CLOSED! I don't wanna be rude but I've been getting a lot of requests and I specifically said they're closed. So because of this, tomorrow I will have a sort of contest where I will open the requests for 24 hours and please don't throw so many requests at me either, I still have quite a few more to do right now as it is.



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