=Chapter 13=

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Aven's P.O.V

I ran in the back yard in the tall mansion I have called my pack house for the past 17 years of my life, I am trying to get away from Tyler as I ran and ran until he abruptly stopped which is not like him and then something very unusual and frightening happened he started to run towards the pack border.

"Tyler what are you doing" I yelled out trying my best to catch up.

"Go inside Aven warn the women and children that they need to get into the safe room" Tyler yelled from in front of me, making my feet stop in their tracks just as a bunch of armed men ran with Tyler towards the pack border.

"Come on we need to get inside the safe room" I yelled to all the women who helped me load the children into the under ground bunker that we call our safe room. I herad the scream of a very familiar women echo out through the house making my blood run cold, my mother. All the women looked at me who sat in the bunker.

"Stay in here I will give you the special knock, Alli and I need you to open the door, okay" Alli nodded as she curled up into a ball beside her mother. I climed out of the bunker locking it behind me, just as another scream from my mother came echoing through the halls. I followed the sound prepared to face the horrible scene that could be approaching me.

I made it to a room that smelled strongly of my mother's blood making my eyes fill with tears, yet I still managed to push open the slick white door allowing me to see my father hung from the ceiling but not like you would think, his hamds where bulted to the top by knifes and his head had a single gun shot wound in the center of his forehead.

"Oh, well looks like I don't need your pathetic mother after all you came yourself" a scratchy male voice said making me turn sharply to see bright red eyes that were filled with lust. Picking up a knife from the table beside him the man slid a knife straight into my mother's throat killing her almost instantly. I gasped as the man basicalled hovered over to my frozen body sliding his hand over my stomach slowly making his way up to my boobs, until he heard a growl come out from behind me.

"Don't even think about toaching my baby sister, you little mutt" Leo sneered pulling up a gun to the rouges eyes trying to shoot but the rouge ultimately disappeared into thin air leaving a trail of green dust behind. I collapsed onto the floor as Leo pulled me close into his chest as he looked around the room to our dead parents, all we have now is each other.

"Aven have you seen what is written on the wall with blood" Leo asked in a shaky voice pointing towards a single sentence all the wall that read. 'You will be mine, Aven you may have won this round but there wont be many more to come' after reading the sickening sentence, Leo pushed me away from him which made me sob even harder.

"You did this, you murdered our parents, Aven" Leo yelled loud enough for the whole pack could hear and surely enough they did, beleiving every word my brother said. Yet I could see my brother's face fall and his eyes fill with regret and guilt as I just sat there numb from what had just happened.

"Your right, Leo I did" I whimpered out pushing past my brother towards the stairs that now held many of our dead pack member's that now layed dead, all my fault.

"Aven I didn't mean what I said, this isn't your fault" my brother rushed out running towards me but I stopped him by holding my hand out.

"You said what you meant Leo and that is okay" I said walking up to my bedroom slowly sliding down my now closed door bringing my knees up to my chest crying so hard I could hardly breath, this is all my fault.


I sat up rapidly in the soft bed that I lay in tears streaming down my face it was so bright that I couldn't make out anything. Until someone rushed to my side pulling me into their big warm chest as they slowly sat themsslves down onto the bed infront of me.

"Aven, baby I need you to calm down, and tell me what is wrong my princess" a soothing voice came from my side as I clutched onto Zane tighter as I realised who the person was.

"I-I had a-a fla-flash back" I sobbed into his shirt as he pulled me tighter allowing my tears to soak his shirt.

"Of the accident, back at your old pack house" Zane asked rubbing soothing circles onto my back breathing harshly against my ear, but for some reason it made me feel better. I nodded as Zane sighed pulling me tighter "Aven I don't know what happened that night and you don't have to tell me but I want you to know that none of this is your fault, I promise" Zane whispered into my ear causing me to relax slightly and my body to go back into it's regular nature also bringing in the pain that throbed on my lower stomach.

"Ahh" I let out a soft whimper pushing Zane slightly away from me to see I am wearing a very big t-shirt that is all white that I reconized to be Zane's, seeing that the blanket covered my lower half I pulled the shirt up to expose my lower stomach and winced as I saw the light blue and red stiched area where that bastard shot me, then I gasped.

"Zane, did Dr. Mince find out if the bastard took away any chance of me having a pup" I asked akwardly remebering that Zane is my mate and he will most likely be the one that fathers my pups, hell he will be the father to my pups.

"No, Aven we can't really find that out until me and you try for pups so I just hope and pray that he didn't because I will make him pay even more than he already is" Zane said his eyes filled with sadness but his face was as stone still as a statue. I smiled up at him and he pulled his hand up to my cheek wiping the pad of his thumb over my soft freckled covered cheeks. "You should lay back down, Aven I have to go get the doctor and you need to rest" I nodded and layed down slowly trying not to irritate the stiches.

"I will be right back" Zane said as he stood up from the bed leaving the room but not without pecking my forehead first. I don't think I mind this mate thing, not one bit.

-Macy Jones

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