=Chapter 21=

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Aven's P.O.V
"This place is so fucking big" Alli spoke pointing to the huge building stood in front of her. I chuckled at her child like expression and reaction to the beach house that we will be staying in, which I have to admit is pretty big with two stories and all the stuff you would need already settled in the house other than food.

"That's what she said" Max spoke lining his arm around Tyler who glared at his boyfriend for making the bad joke while the rest of us just laughed. "So guys are we going inside or not I don't feel like staying out here in this damned car for long" Max sighed out and then he laughed at himself opening his door with his free hand since the other one is consumed by Tyler's.

  "Hey Zane I am glad you decided to bring me here with the rest of all the other pack members I mean I feel honored" Lili spoke as she ran her hand over Zane's arm which he quickly snatched away from locking his hand with mine.

  "Lili for goodness sake we are not going to be together any time in my life time I promise, and I swear if you ruin this trip for anyone with us I will kick you out I have had enough of your shit already" Zane growled out taking my hand in his as he lead me out of the car and into the fresh cool air. It wasn't necessary cold or anything it was windy though with a slight breeze but it felt amazing. I looked up to Zane as he handed me my suitcase as he graved his from the trunk of the car.

  "Zane are you alright" I asked curious on why little stress lines formed on his beautiful forehead that I wanted to desperately smooth out before they became permanent. He looked over at me his face smoothing out and the glint that I can never figure out appears in his eyes, he laced his arms around my waist pulling me to his chest as everyone graved their suitcase from in front of us before they made their way to the house.

  "Aven, no I am not mad why would I be" he asked cradling my small body in his big hands letting me to melt into them which always made me feel safe and secure.

  I shrugged laying my head on his chest so that my voice would be muffled through my response "I don't know I mean I guess Lili just made you mad I guess you have just been on edge lately" I said shyly and I know he heard me even though I didn't really want him to, since he let out a long and desperate sigh.

  "Aven I am not mad at anyone I will admit that I am irritated with Lili but who isn't" he chuckled out which made me smile and look up to him his eyes already staring down on me as I tried to catch up with his racing emotions, I knew there was more to come. "I just am terrified of loosing you like any mate would be, but this time I am not scared of myself running you away but more like the people who tried to get you before when your pack was destroyed. I promised myself I wouldn't tell you any of this but you need to know so you can protect yourself and I want you to do just that, if anything fishy happens I want to know right away. Just promise me that, A" Zane spoke his face now completely transformed into a sad and running look not being able to find an emotion to settle on.

  I gave him a soft nod the only thing I could muster at the time with all that has been going on. I mean now those bastards are after me again, but at least I have someone to take care of me and will risk anything for me even though I wouldn't really like him to. "So should we go inside my little Kitten" Zane asked unwrapping his arms from around my waist sliding his hand into mine while the other one takes his suitcase while I take mine. And we entered the gorgeous house that I will be staying in for the next couple of days.

"Hey I was thinking we could all go swimming I mean the pool is right outside and we can go to the beach tomorrow, what do you say" Zane asked taking a big bite of his big burger that he had almost burned on the grill. Bile rose up to the top of my throat but I wouldn't dare let it surface, I looked up to Zane who sat beside me and pushed my plate toward him he looked down at me with a weird look but I just shook my head and pushed it closer to his own plate.

He sighed and was about to speak before being cut off by Tyler who seemed pretty excited about going swimming "That's a great idea Zane I mean I could use a nice warm pool who's with me" everyone cheered and stood up quickly running to their set rooms even though we are still eating; well I guess not anymore.

I stood up ready to get out of the grasp of Zane not that I wanted to get away from him I was just scared he was going to question my non-eating. He pulled me closer and I sighed knowing that I would never be able to get out of his iron grip "I am not mad at you for not eating Kitten I just wish you did, but I will save that for later I would like to talk with you tonight before bed though, alright" he whispered into my ear pushing me away slightly to look at my face which I answered his question by nodding slowly he sighed and looked down at his plate before quickly looking back up at me "Go get ready for swimming and I will clean up in here okay Kitten" I nodded and smiled to him as he allowed me to walk away.

I walked over to our room that is the only one on the first floor and sighed heavily, I was really glad that all the walls were sound proof by this point. I mean I know I have to tell him about me soon and my stupid past which I already touched on but I don't know if I am ready for that quite yet. It is really hard for me to recall all those memories that I have locked away for so long.

I graved my suitcase and used all my strength to flip it up onto the bed but of course my weak ass had a very hard time before I finally got it up onto the bed with success but smashed my thumb in the process. "Shit" I whimpered pulling my thumb up into my mouth trying to suck the pain away. I heard the door swing open before Zane ran over to my side panic souring through his eyes.

"What happened" he spoke taking my thumb into his hand as I laughed at his protectiveness liking the way he treats me sometimes even if it is a little annoying. "My gosh Aven don't scare me like that I thought something really bad happened" he sighed taking my hand into his kissing the top of it.

"No I am fine you big doof I just smashed my thumb under my suitcase" I laughed out as I unzipped my bag pulling out my bathing suit that lays in the top of the stack of clothes.

"Alright as long as you are alright I will leave you to get dressed" he spoke panic slowly disappearing out of his voice as I giggled and swung the door shut. He really is the best and Funniest thing that has ever happened to me.
-Macy Jones

I know these past two chapters are sucky but I just got a new phone and I am trying to get in the mood of writing again but I have a really good idea for the next chapter so be ready for that one. Love Ya! Macy.

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