Chapter 7: Not Really Silly At All

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The deck was a mess of noise. War cries and the clanging of metal filled the air, and Harry quickly looked up to try and spot Pan. There. He sat, perched on some of the rigging, clearly looking for the best opening. Harry flinched as he suddenly swooped down into the tangle of flashing blades below. He really hoped Pan was as capable as he seemed.

Surprisingly, the pirates seemed to be winning. Probably due to the abundance of rope and netting lying around that they tied the boys up with.

Several minutes later Harry saw his chance when Pan (the only remaining free Lost Boy) flew down to cut some of the ropes. Harry quickly snatched him about the waist from behind.

"Over here, Dobson! The rope! Help me tie him to the main mast. You, Briggs, grab his knife."

Louis, being notably smaller than Harry couldn't do much to fight back with his arms pinned to his sides. He couldn't reach to bite either, but he gave several vicious kicks to Harry's shins. One of the crew members snatched his knife away and he gave a scream of anger. Louis was very much not used to having anything but the upper hand. He couldn't fly and he had no weapon now.

Harry turned him and shoved his back against the mast of the ship as several of his men circled rope around. They cinched it tightly enough that Louis had to let out a gasp of air for lack of space. One of the men made a rather elaborate looking set of knots at the end, pointedly testing them where he could see. Louis sagged against the mast, thinking. He couldn't see how he was going to get out of this one.

The obnoxious feathers on Harry's hat swayed as he turned to face his men and their groups of tied up captives.

"Take them belowdecks for now...the plank just may need to be tested later," he said in the most Hookish voice he could muster. He had been practising, but he still felt guilty. They were still children, honestly, some of them didn't look more than seven.

He turned to face Louis as the Lost Boys were dragged out of sight.

"Well, I don't suppose this is where you thought you'd be by the end of this little...attack?" Harry was honestly a little amused by how upset Pan seemed to be that he'd been captured. He wondered if this had ever happened before. Pan was usually very sure of himself. Harry was not a mean spirited person, but he couldn't help rubbing it in just a bit that cocky little Pan had finally been caught.

Louis spit at him and Harry clucked his tongue as it fell short.

"I don't think so, Pan. You can't catch me."

"What are you gonna do? Just keep me here forever? You know I can't really die, so you'd better just go ahead and kill me so we can start over."

Harry's eyes gleamed.

"But that wouldn't be nearly as fun, would it? Over so soon? I would hate for all the planning that surely went into this to go to such a waste. In fact, I just might let you stay here forever."

"You wouldn't, you're too nice. Look at you, you've probably never even squished a bug. You just don't have the guts to look me in the eyes and stab me."

Harry just shook his head, walking closer to lean over him.

"You talk so big, but you're not so tall now that you can't fly, are you?"

"You talk so big, but you're not so tall now that you can't fly, are you?"

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