Chapter 10: Difficult Conversations

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The deck groaned as Harry flung himself down dramatically upon it.

"You alright, captain?" Horace asked.

"Yes. I need sun, but I can't be bothered to actually do anything," Harry mumbled into the dirty wood floor.

He had been thinking quite a lot the past few days, but that didn't mean he had been able to come to a decision. Harry was thinking in circles about what to do with Louis. It was clear that the boy had similar feelings for Harry as Harry did for him, but he clearly hadn't realised it yet.

Louis, understandably, did not seem to have ever experienced any sort of romantic emotions before, and clearly didn't know how to deal with them. Harry didn't have the first clue as to what to do. He decided he would leave it up to fate. If he went on a walk about the island and ran into Louis then he would somehow deal with it, but if he didn't run into him, he would feel completely validated in moping around the ship forever. Or at least a few more days.

Harry hauled himself up to his feet and sagged against the mast for a moment before straightening and marching off the ship. He approached the jungle-like side of the island near the lagoon and began his trek through the mud. Mostly he just took this route so he could feel satisfied that his frustrated stomping created splashing and squelching in the wet ground.

It had been perhaps close to an hour when he ran into Louis. The boy quite literally smacked into him as he was swinging upside down from the branches of trees and had missed that a person was walking below said trees. Louis slipped off, but quickly flew upright before he hit the ground. Harry was not so lucky and had fallen directly back on his arse in the mud, clutching his forehead where Louis had knocked into it.

Louis looked down at who or what he had smashed into and began to laugh when he saw that it was Harry.

"Well, fancy seeing you here like this," Louis said slyly, swooping down close to Harry's face.

"Ow. Doesn't your head hurt? It was your head that injured mine."

Louis shrugged.

"Not really," he paused and moved Harry's hand and hair out of the way of his forehead, "did I really hurt you?" he asked, frowning.

"It'll be fine."

"I'm sorry, I didn't see that anything was there. I really didn't mean to," Louis said somewhat frantically, for some reason needing Harry to understand that it hadn't been on purpose.

"I thought you said you didn't normally apologise," Harry taunted lightly.

Louis frowned more deeply.

"I don't. But I didn't mean to hurt you. I feel...bad."

Harry sighed and didn't respond. Louis twisted his hands around in a nervous, guilty silence before leaning forward to hesitantly kiss Harry.

The captain sighed again.

"What for?" he asked wearily, "I didn't do anything for you."

"I don't know, I guess I just fancied it could mean sorry too. But like, a better sorry. One that actually means something." He backed up and resumed his nervous hand twisting whilst Harry stayed silent for several long moments.

"It...can, I suppose." Harry abruptly ran a frustrated hand through his hair, "You have no idea, do you? You can't even see what's happening in your own mind."

Louis looked up, startled by the conviction in Harry's words.

"What? What do you mean?"

"You don't see why you're having all these feelings? And this intrigue about your 'thimbles,' as you call them?" Harry made air quotes.

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