Chapter 12: Attack on Pixie City

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Morning dawned suddenly, momentarily blinding both of the boys as their eyes snapped open. They were a tangled heap of limbs, and most of Louis was on top of Harry's chest. He struggled to get up and eventually extracted himself whilst Harry tried to remove some of the leaves from his long hair.

"Oh, bollocks, my back. I definitely was not meant to sleep outside," he complained as he gave up on his hair, in which the leaves had only crumbled and not been removed at all.

"Your hair actually looks like a nest of some sort."

"Pah, you can't talk, your hair's always crap."

"No need for that. Nests are homes and homes are cosy. It was a compliment."

"My hair is cosy?"

"Er...sure, yeah."

"You little liar, that was not supposed to be a compliment."

"Well you're just not receptive this morning. A bloke tries to do a good thing⁠—"

Harry interrupted him, laughing.

"You're not trying to do anything good. Did you have any plans for today?"

"I'll let you change the subject this time, but next time you should only hope to be so lucky. And as a matter of fact I do have plans. And they're to stay right here."

He grabbed Harry around the shoulders and forced him back flat, curling up neatly into his side. Harry combed his fingers through the other boy's mangy hair.

"Well that's nice, but don't you think we ought to actually do something?"

"Nope," Louis replied, popping the 'p' in the word obnoxiously and burrowing even more tightly into Harry's side.

"You don't want to go swimming?" Harry prodded.

"I can do that later."

"You can cuddle later too."


Harry sighed and kissed his forehead before resuming stroking his hair and Louis smiled. A few peaceful minutes passed before:



Louis huffed in agitation at having to clarify his demands. That was the problem with dealing with other people: they weren't inside your head.

"What you did. Again."


"The thimble!"

"Oh. The kiss, you mean." Harry gave him another kiss on the forehead.

"Whatever. Same thing," he grumbled. "You can continue," he added after a pause.

"Like this?" Harry rolled over so he was on top of Louis and started peppering his forehead with kisses, which made Louis giggle.

"Ah! No, those tickle."

Harry pressed a big wet kiss on his temple.

"So like this?"

"Stop it, you know what I mean. Nice, like before," Louis protested, but he was still giggling like a toddler.

Harry took his face in both hands and pressed several deliberate kisses on his forehead and cheeks and Louis close his eyes in content.

"Ah. I think I've figured it out now," Harry said wisely.

"You're ridiculous."

"Oh I'm ridiculous, am I? Mr. I Want to Stay Right Here and Do Nothing All Day."

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