Scheming and smiling

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 Rosa, Elena, Damon, Stefan and Rose all Talked and are trying to get along as their common Enemy becomes clear

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Rosa, Elena, Damon, Stefan and Rose all
Talked and are trying to get along as their common
Enemy becomes clear.

It isn't going very well for any of them.

"I told you I'm here because I want to protect you" I tell Elena who is still practically hiding behind Stefan.

"Why would I want help from you?" She asks and I shrug. "Oh I don't know? Maybe because I know Klaus personally." I say and she frowns with an unknowing expression.

"Who is Klaus?" Elena asks and I scoff. "Wow- how are you related to me?" I laugh to myself and Rose cuts in.

"Klaus is the most dangerous being on earth" she says and Damon rolls his eyes.

"He's not that bad... unless you piss him off or have something he wants... Or you are me and you ditched him in LA because you found out he's trying to sacrifice your niece over a pretty white rock... I never picked up my clothes did I? Damn" I whisper the end. Fuck he could technically use them for a locator spell.

Well Shit.

"He is from the first generation of vampires" Stefan continues to Elena while giving me a weird look that I shrug off.

"Like Elijah" Elena asks and rose groans "No Elijah is the Easter bunny compared to klaus" she says and I scoff.

"Eliajh was a foot soldier klaus is the real deal. You know... rumours have it he took interest in a human and they are.... romantily involved to say the least" Rose says and everyone including her looks to me.

"Oh please. You're kidding right? I do have some morals" I say and Elena frowns. Me and Klaus seen dating or anything. It's just... complicated.

"You killed your own parents" Elena says and I shrug my shoulders carelessly.

"I did say I had 'some' morals. Just not a lot" I explain, brushing my hand through my hair.

"But yeah those slightly exaggerated rumours are about me, however I have morals and he has standards higher than my kill count as well as an ego off the charts so, not really compatible." I admit and Elena throws her hands up in the air.

"And you expect us to trust you?" Elena asks and I smile.

"We are all works in progress. Your friends here aren't exactly saints either." I say and Stefan cuts in.

"Klaus is known to be the oldest vampire of all time" Stefan says and I cough. No way. Elijah is a year or two older...I remember them talking about their family.

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