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Rosa Gilbert has met many people in her life,     Katarina Patrova however was not one of them

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Rosa Gilbert has met many people in her life,
Katarina Patrova however was not one of them

So after visiting many old faces such as Caroline, Bonnie, Matt and a select few more, seeing as mystic falls seemed surprisingly quiet Rosa decided its about time she met the second doppelgänger.

"Knock knock!" I yell into the tomb and seconds later a replica of my niece walks out and I look to her surprised.

She was clearly desiccating from lack of blood and just seeing a human, like myself, made the veins under her eyes come out.

"You must be Katarina, I'm Rosa" I introduce and she speeds forwards but was stopped by an invisible barrier.

"Well that's not a very nice way to say 'hello'"

"Why are you here" she says seeming frustrated.

"Well my niece is your doppelgänger so I figured I should put a name to a face...after all Klaus talked about you quite a bit" I say crossing my arms.

"Klaus? Is he here" she asks scared and I shake my head.

"Well let's hope not" I laugh out nervously.

"As far as I know Klaus is still in LA where I left him" I say knowing he had probably left but aye? Never hurt to try to be positive.

"Now it's time for me to ask a few questions" I say leaning against the wall just outside the barrier she can't cross.

"Elena, why is everyone so protective of her" I ask and Katarina rolls her eyes. "Because everyone is so... intent on keeping Elena pure and innocent and for some reason everyone is willing to bend over backwards for her approval" Katarina says and I hum.

"Well I guess that's survival for you... do you know her plan to deal with Klaus" I ask and she frowns. "And why should I tell you?" She asks and I tap my finger on my chin pretending to think for a moment.

"Because I might not be working with Klaus but I sure do know how much he wants you dead... with a simple phone call I could easily tell him of your whereabouts and bada bing bada boom. There's one less vampire for me to worry about" I says moving my hands to my hips.

I won't be telling Klaus anytime soon as to not bring any suspicion to mystic falls but that's for me to know.

"Elena plans to turn herself in to Klaus. She doesn't want anyone of her friends to die" she answers reluctantly and I frown.

"She does know he'll kill her right?" I ask and Katarina shrugs. "She doesn't care" she says and I growl slightly.

"Well this makes my job a lot harder... thank you, I'll see you again soon " I say leaving the tomb and heading to the apartment where Elijah is.

I throw the doors of Elijah's apartment open "Elijah I'm worried about Elena she's getting intent on handing herself over in some sort of martyr attempt." I say frustrated

"maybe that's not such a bad thing klaus will be weaker after he breaks the curse" he says in thought."You had better be kidding." I snap at him.

There is no way I'm letting her die.

"Wait here I will be right back" he says
And I groan a few minutes later he comes back. "I know where the doppelgänger is"

"Ok let's go" I say and he grabs my waist and vamp speeds to a large house.

"Hello there..." I greet the 4 vampires all trying to take Elena, presumably to Klaus.

I stake the first one through the heart and Elijah comes behind me and kills another one. Rose runs off and I sigh. What a bitch.

"I killed you, you were dead" Damon told Elijah and I step in front of him "for centuries now" Elijah responds dramatically and I roll my eyes.

"enough dramatics, Who are you?" I ask confused to the vampires as I don't recognise them.

"Who are you?" He asks back and Elijah responds. "I'm Elijah " he says and I smirk at the fear in the young vampires eyes I love it when they are scared.

"W-we where going to bring her to you" the vampire stutters at me."for Klaus. she's the doppelgänger" he says pointing at Elena. "Really I couldn't tell" I smirk at him.

"I don't know how she exists but she does klaus will want to see her" he reasons "have you told anyone of this" Elijah asks him and he shakes his head.

"Well than you have been incredibly helpful" and Elijah nods at me and I smile pulling out my gun with wooden bullets and I shoot the vampire in the heart three times and while Elijah rips the heart out of the other one.

Elena gasps and covers her mouth while Damon takes a protective stance in front of Elena.

I step forward and I look to Elijah. "I'll take it from here" I say and he speeds off.

"What was that!" Damon yells at me. "That was me saving your life" I say causally "do me a favour Elena and stop the suicide missions"

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