Chapter 1: Crumble

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This wasn't how it was supposed to go! This wasn't the plan! They were supppsed to win! To take down the Silver Wolves and take their spot as fourth place. But instead of defeating the other gang. They ended up wiping each other out until no one was left breathing.

It started off normally, members taunting the other group with snarky remarks and threats, waiting for the other to make the first move, when neither snapped, they decided to get on with it already. Both leaders made the deal then weapons were drawn, and next thing you know, the air was filled with gunshots, grunts of pain, thuds indicating the fall of a lifeless body, and the copper smell of blood.

Underneath the artificial lighting of the lamp posts, on that small alley, as the two gangs fought for who's stronger, better, more deserving, a little girl, by the age of 11, ran about, fighting with a knife in her right hand and a gun in her left. You would've thought she would fall lifeless the minute the fight began, but instead, she stood strong, her biggest injury being a large cut on her left shoulder that kept bleeding through her black hoodie. She was a skilled fighter, easily dodging bullets and knives aimed at her, shooting at her enemies without a second thought, stabbing people without a care, taking lives as though they were nothing. Afterall, she's been living the life of being in the Mafia for four years. These fights are normal to her now.

She didn't know where it went wrong. They were about to win. Then, reinforcements, backup, arrived. Not theirs, no, they didn't have any, they sent all their men to the battlefield, the Silver Wolves had backup. The Silver Wolves were down to their last 12 members, while her group, the Blood Hounds, still had 28, they thought they were gonna win, but then, 20 more men from the other gang arrived.

And the fight continued, but this time they were the ones losing, the end result? All of the Blood Hounds died, with only her as the survivor. But the Silver Wolves weren't any better, the only ones left are the leader, Red Alpha, and a middle ranked member Gold Fang.

Bleeding Doll kneeled on the blood stained ground beside Реймонд(Raymond), Dead Skull the second in command of the Blood Hounds, sobbing in grief, clutching his shoulder. Реймонд was the one who found her, he was the one who picked her weak body off the ground and brought her to their base. He took responsibility of her, took care of her, nursed her malnourished body back to health, and taught her how to survive in the underground world. He was her father figure, he was more of a father to her than her real father was even before he died, and now, now he's gone too, and so is the rest of her family.

Red approached her slowly, as Fang stepped out of the alley to stand guard. "Эй, ребенок? Слушай, мне жаль, я знаю, что у тебя больше никого нет, и, видимо, теперь у меня остался только один мужчина. Так как насчет этого, а? Я возьму тебя, я восстановлю Silver Wolf назад к его былой славе с Fang как моим вторым и с тобой как моим третьим. Я бы не хотел, чтобы вы просто оказались на улице, а у вас огромный потенциал, что вы скажете?"(Hey kid? Look, I'm sorry about this, I know you've got no one else, and apparently, now I only have one man left. So how about this, huh? I'll take you in, I'll rebuild Silver Wolf back to it's former glory with Fang as my second and you as my third. I wouldn't want you to just end up in the streets, and you've got great potential, what do you say?) He offered standing behind her, a respectful distance between them.

She was silent for a moment, then she started to speak. "Ты убил их. Ты убил мою семью."(You killed them, you killed my family) she whispered weakly, her lips trembling and her voice broken. She kept repeating those words over and over again. But they were spoken too softly for Red to understand.

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