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Rye's POV

He broke down crying and that's when I looked back at françois and said : That's it. You're dead.

I got up and gripped françois' shirt, pulling him closer, chest to chest. A smirk clear on his face.
" Any last words wanker ? " I smirk back at him.
" B-Boys please calm down " Our teacher said not moving an inch from where she is.
" Yeah " He came closer to my ear, totally ignoring the teacher. " I wonder how thight andy is, don't you ? " He pulled back and looked innocently at me.

Before I could even think, my fist was about to hit his face. But insted my fist was in mikey's palm.
" Calm down rye, you're already in trouble. Don't push your luck to far " Mikey wispered to me and let of my hand. Once my hand was back at my side I looked at françois once again, smirk still present.

" Oh ? I still have my teeth...I could swear that I heard you say that I wouldn't have any if I continued talking " He shrugged.
I clenched my jaw and tried to not breathe too havily. I feel someone put they're head on my back, and tiny fists on my shirt. Andy.
" He wants you to get angry rye, please let's go back to our sits. You're smarter than him " He said softly and I sighed, relaxing at his touch.

I took at step back and looked at my teacher.
" I'm sorry for disturging your class, it will not happen again " I told her, not waiting for her response I took andy's hand and walked towards my sit, wispering lowly when I passed françois " Watch your back " . I sat back and pulled andy on my lap, wrapping my arms around his waist and burying my head on his back. Not caring about anything else in the moment.

I realized that I had fallen asleep when andy kissed my ear and told me to wake up. I looked around and saw that everyone else had already left except for the boys, our teacher, andy and I. Andy helped me up and I grapped his hand, not bothering to look back at the others.

" Mr. Beaumont, Mr. Fowler ? Could I talk to you for a minute ? The others can wait outside " Our teacher said. The boys looked at me and I nodded to them. As soon as they walked outside and closed the door, she started talking.

" I understand why you got angry but- " I cut her off.
" You do ? " I asked raising an eyebrow.
" Don't cut me off ! " She said strictly but then her eyes softened "Of course I do... " She then turned towards andy. " I had her in my class 10 years ago, a really smart and lovely girl. You look so much like her andrew " She said making andy look down. I squeezed his hand, Trying to make him understand that I was with him.

" But as I was saying " She sighed. " You can't do that ryan, you're already in trouble, try to contain yourself " She said and I nodded. She then told us that we could go before being late for our next class.

The boys were waiting not far from the classroom, as we walked towards them, brook came running towards us and took andy in a hug.
" So, what did she say ? " Jack asked and I sighed.
" That she understood why I got mad but that I was already in trouble and shouldn't push my luck " I explained putting an arm around my adorable boyfriend who rested against me.

" And what was the jerk on about ? " Harvey said and looked at andy " I mean with your family and birt- "
" Okay enough " I cut harv off when I felt andy tensed. Clearly it's too soon to talk about this again.
The guys looked at me a little confused but nodded probably seeing andy's discomfort.

Andy took a deep breath in before he spoke.
" I- Hum, " Andy mumbled and I kissed his head for comfort. He relaxed a bit before confinuing " Something happened in my family nearly 10 years ago...I, I don't think I can talk openly about it but... " His voice faded a bit. " You're free to do your researches...A-And if it's not to much to ask, please keep it as a secret from other people. I'm not really comfortable with the story " He looked down, trembling a bit.

The boys looked back at me not knowing how to react, well not mikey though, who looked at andy with a pained smile. He probably already did his researches. Then he put his hand on andy's shoulder and said " Our next class is a bit far, we should get going " He said, andy responded with a nod and followed mikey.

We watched them walk away and the boys turned to look at me.
" I'll send you a link tonight for you to understand " I said and started to walk away before I stopped and looked back at them again.
" Can I ask you to look out for andy a bit ? I mean when I don't have classes with him I don't want him alone " I asked and they nodded with a smile.

" So is it guapo the one ? " Jack smirked. He remembered ? I chuckled.
" I hope so " I said, he patted my shoulder and said " good " before we walked to our next class. Passing françois who looked at us smirk on his face. Oh boy just you wait, you're so not ready for what's comming. I smirked back just thinking about how satisfying it will be to take this ugly smirk off his ugly face.

The rest off the day went on peacefully and the boys didn't act odd with andy. At the end of the day we all went home, even I. I needed to clear things with hannah. I before I went to bed, I sent the boys an article with gumi's story.

Author's note

hello ! Thank you for reading the twenty-ninth chapter of " The Ice Queen " I hope you enjoyed it if so, please vote and comment what you think about the chapter

I knooooooow it's been so long since the last update and I'm sorry but a lot of things came up and I didn't have the right mind to write something, BUT however, this doesn't give you the right to SPAM me, it's just really disrespectful and makes me lose my time deleting the spam comments ! Next time on of you do that I will block you.

I knooooooow it's been so long since the last update and I'm sorry but a lot of things came up and I didn't have the right mind to write something, BUT however, this doesn't give you the right to SPAM me, it's just really disrespectful and makes m...

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Because this☝🏻 is NOT okay !

Have a great day 💕


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