The Man and His Mansion

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"Jessica! Get your ass up!" I am woken by harsh shaking and a few more curse words. I roll over and open the car door, falling out onto the cold hard ground. I pick myself up, and stroll over to the front door. The house is huge, and if I wasn't so pissed right now, I'd maybe be even a little joyful. But this isn't Alice in Wonderland. It's cold, hard life. I ring the door bell, and a few seconds later, a man looking to be in his late 30's steps out. I step inside, and glare at him. He pretends to not notice my death glare, and responds calmly. "Christian will call you in a few minutes. For now, just sit out here and wait." I advance towards him. "To hell I'm going to sit out here and wait on him!" I barge into the nearest study, and come face to face with the hottest guy I have ever seen in my entire 17 year life. I give him my signature "Fuck you" glare, and cross my arms over my chest.  A flash of amusement flickers over his godly face, and then its replaced with something else unidentifiable. Lust? Want? Need? I stagger back, and he advances on me. I move back, and hit the wall. I hate fucking walls. Why did I have to hit a wall? That shit happens in movies and books. Not real life. He pins his arms on either side of my face. He leans in, and his warm breath tickles my ear. I shiver, and move my head to the side. "Are you okay? You look a little weak." My knees give out on me, and I would have fallen, if not for his toned chest keeping me up.

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