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After my little episode........, well let's just say things went a little strange. After Christian kept me from falling on the ground, I had stormed out of the room and mentally kicked myself for being such a klutz. He had followed me, and locked me in this room. Not that I was complaining, it was a very nice room. It had blue walls, and a silky white king sized bed. It had a flat screen t.v. and a full sized bathroom. The windows had shiny glass, and the,............ wait! The windows! That's how I'm going to get out of this place!  I opened the window, and stepped out on the roof. I clung to the side of the house, and slide down. My palms started to sweat, and my heart started to pick up speed, jumping out of my chest. If I survive this, I will pray to God everyday. I think silently to myself. I close my eyes and jump. I hit the ground, and open my eyes. Freedom! I get up, and take off running. Limping a little bit because of my fall. I come to a forest, and I spot a long but shallow stream. I kneel down, and cup my hands around the water. I bring it to my chapped lips, and take a long drink. With my stomach filled with water, I continue my journey. I follow the stream for about 30 minutes, and then I spot some movement in my peripheral vision. I turn around, and a wolf comes flying at me. Knocking me down. "Help!" I scream, my breath caught in my throat. "Help!" All of a sudden a hand covers my mouth, and my screams are muffled. I look up, and I see....... Christian? Christian is a fucking wolf! "Help!" I scream. "Calm down!" Christian yells. My screaming stops, and I start to hyperventilate. Fresh tears start to fall, and I blink rapidly, trying to see again. I am literally going crazy! I don't want to die! Please! Weird human creature thing. I shut my eyes, and press my head into the ground. "Happy Birthday Love." I hear him say. And then everything goes black.

Please comment on what you think. I want to know if I should continue this story or not. Thank You!

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